My characters: [hider=Hal Silas] Name: Hal Silas Nickname: The Shapeshifter Specialist Age: 35 years old Type: Human Affiliation: The Scientists Appearance: A very lean, tall and constantly looks drunken man constantly in a very badly stained, burnt, scratched and almost every other form of damaged laboratory coat on a rather worn and colourless waistcoat, velvet trousers and silk shirt. His face is incredibly clean, moderately good looking and utterly undamaged in any part of his almost immaculate face for the rest of his appearance. He has a decent head of very light and fair brown hair, a small, business-like moustache of a darker shade that just accentuates very clear hazel eyes that are almost too big for his face. He has very little in the way of muscle, fat or anything else, some of his bones jut out, making little dents in his skin at certain areas. Personality: A very charismatic, friendly and human-sympathetic man, he would be the man to gladly donate to a human charity but gladly accept the parts from supernatural beings, with a very peculiar smile every time he collects his materials. He feels absolutely no sympathy for almost any supernatural being, no matter what they try to do to him or for him. His motivation for his trade is to help humanity evolve at any expense of the beings he helped discover and exploit. History: He is the son of one of the first scientists who discovered the supernatural beings, Hal managed to discover the shapeshifters by finding the only exception to Hal's lack of sympathy: Mal, a very deformed and weak shapeshifter, they both almost immediately stuck side by side, Mal acting as Hal's lab assistant and pet. After a struggle to negotiate Mal's continued life Hal promised to enter the study of shapeshifters especially. Hal was named the owner of his father's laboratory after he completed his mentoring by his now manager father Graham, the trio now run a respectable business exclusively on shapeshifter involving inventions and research on them, Graham and Mal plan on offering Shapeshifters the opportunity to work as lab aides to save being captured. Hal eagerly awaits having more shapeshifters working for him and asks Mal about progress daily. Abilities: A surprisingly pleasant personality and a knack for shapeshifter study and usage in inventions. Weaknesses: Barely any physical strength, just enough to experiment, a complete and utter lack of sympathy for any supernatural beings excluding shapeshifters, an admiration for shapeshifters in any variety, even pausing just to behold what he thinks is their majesty and no training in any conventional weaponry, just in experimentation tools. Other: He is remarkably smart, very disorganised when writing down notes, and always likes reading his old notes on Shapeshifters. Out of his job he is either playing around with Mal, helping with the public relations side, thus aiding his father. He is nigh addicted to curry. [/hider] [hider=Mal] Name: Mal Nickname: The Shadow Age: 33 years old Type: Deformed shapeshifter. Affiliation: The scientists (Hal and Graham really) Appearance: When he is in his natural form Mal is a rather tall and lean human form, that almost seems to be made out of shadows, he can be touched and is physical but he almost looks like mists gathering into the spectre, the figure of an almost unnaturally lean and around seven foot tall man. No discernible features apart from clothes, clearly defined: A coat that spans from Mal's heel to his neck, under that coat is some form of shirt with some very ordinary trousers, the clothes are a shade or two brighter then the rest of Mal. Personality: Mal normally doesn't interact with new people, he is very cautious but when he eventually talks to people he thinks are safe he is kind and thoughtful but very brief, so he is shy but kind and reasonable after a while. History: Found by Hal just after being born, Mal immediately found a lifelong friend, Graham at first didn't want his son mingling with a creature that might be deadly, so after a very long discussion between the rapidly developing Mal and Graham Mal was allowed to grow up with Hal, both acting as brothers to each other. That has continued on ever since, Mal and Graham recently succeeded in getting more reliable shapeshifter staff. Abilities: Blending into the shadows (Literally becoming a part of any shadow he wishes for up to a full day), almost masterfully shapeshifting and he can eat people... by converting them into shadowlike remains and then merging these said remains into him. Weakness/weaknesses: Not much in the way of physical strength, only has training in the tools used for experimentation and research, hates bright lights to the extent that blinding light weakens him drastically, fondness for his adoptive family to a fault, he tends to get extremely hungry after being exposed to blinding lights and any other weaknesses shapeshifters inherently have. Other: He tends to hiss from time to time, he normally takes time to embrace his surroundings... by becoming a part of them. His version of a bedroom is a small room with one candle in it and many objects that create many different shadows, normally with Mal's meal in the middle of the room, normally being the offal parts of supernatural creatures other scientists don't need anymore, alive or dead. [/hider] [hider=Graham Silas] Name: Graham James Silas Nickname: The Shapeshifter's Consigliere Age: 60 Type: Human Affiliation: Scientists (One of the first to discover supernatural beings) Appearance: A man of an average build and around six foot tall, his attire is similar to that of his son's, minus the labcoat and add a few scars to his waistcoat and the big overcoat he wears instead. He has multiple scars from when he helped discover many supernatural beings and a very thick beard and the first signs of balding, his eyes almost the same shade as his hair; a deep and luxurious brown. Personality: A very formal, sophisticated and respectable man, he is much like his son on supernatural beings, except that he only respects shapeshifters, not admires them. He seems to be formal and presentable to new people, to more familiar faces he is a lot more informal and more relatable, but overall a bit more dull then either Hal or Mal. History: A man of a very respectable and ordinary upbringing, his desire to discover new life and attempt to gain something from them were the two passions that drove him to working in the same animal testing laboratory that he, Eric McConnel and a few others first found a supernatural being, from then onwards Graham, his wife and infant boy went across the world in search of other supernatural beings, where his son found the shapeshifters... Miss Silas died to the father of Mal, in return Graham orphaned Mal and took the deformed shapeshifter out of rage, revenge and want of studying the shapeshifters. Graham and his only surviving specimen became more then just studier and subject, more adoptive father and son. Graham saw how the shapeshifters didn't harm Hal and after a year allowed Mal and Hal to grow up together under his watchful eye. Until Hal became 19 and had finished his formal education alongside his supernatural research education Graham had very little success studying shapeshifters alone, when the trio began working on research they managed to make studying and using shapeshifters very profitable and useful in many ways. Now he manages the paperwork and helps other scientists as much as he can while allowing Hal, Mal and the rest of the shapeshifters to actually research and use shapeshifters. Abilities: He is second to none in the study of shapeshifting and form manipulating in general and a good shot with a revolver. Weakness/weaknesses: He is slightly afraid of most supernatural beings, obviously excluding shapeshifters, not very agile, less then average when it comes to strength, bit rusty on his research of any other supernatural being that doesn't normally manipulate it's form. Other: He always keeps the revolver he killed Mal's family with on him, he respects Mal but is slightly scared of the deformed shapeshifter, his old laboratory is part of an old family estate he inherited, he tries to keep in contact with the other original discoverers of supernatural beings. [/hider] [hider=Harriet Silas] Name: Harriet Elizabeth Coffin or Harriet Elizabeth Silas Nickname: The Underground's Heart, the Estranged, the Guide. Age: 55 Type: Human Affiliation: Supernatural being sympathizer. Appearance: A rather misleadingly old looking black woman for her age of an average build, wearing a worn out duster with a flat cap, both very old, slightly moth-eaten with a pair of rather new glasses, her hair is normally rather plain, a regular brown with compassionate blue eyes and a generally aged look about her, she has one rather large scar, that of a jaguar-like thing that streaks across from the bottom of her eye to her chin from a shapeshifter. Personality: She is kind to those who want to help her or know her in a positive light, she comes off as cold and uncompromising when she is speaking to someone she considers a foe... however she is rather welcoming to new supernatural beings seeking help. History: A woman who had a very good and detailed education in England, she moved to America to marry a man she was dating for ten years, this man was Graham Silas, after four years of being married they had Hal Silas, after a happy marriage she was almost killed by shapeshifters, she was attempting to speak with them before Graham Silas shot one of them, the reflex of the shapeshifter Harriet was talking to was to give her that noticeable scar. Afterwards a peculiar thing brought her from the brink of death; the son of a werewolf and witch, after Harriet was rescued by the odd man she lived with the supernatural beings in the forest she had died in, at least to everyone else. Her new home was destroyed by her son, Hal Silas had ordered the burning of the entire shelter for an array of supernatural beings... She managed to kill the lead pyromaniac and save around half of her friends, but not the being who saved her. She was spotted by Mal when helping the survivors gather. This experience compelled Harriet to build up one of the largest organisations helping supernatural beings escape the wrath of not only her old family but every scientist: The Supernatural Underground, or briefly the Underground which as the name suggests primarily uses any and every abandoned underground structure as outposts, she always attempts to lead the Underground to more peaceful ways of escaping the Scientists. Abilities: A brilliantly cunning and deceptive mind, good with explosives and a good shot with a pistol. Weakness/weaknesses: She is rather frail physically, she is well known as a menace against the scientists, useless with any other conventional weapon, she is practically blind if she doesn't have her glasses. Other: She is weary of supernatural beings she doesn't know or fought with, the majority of her helpers are supernatural beings she knows, Mal hasn't told Hal or Graham about how Harriet is still alive, her grip when shaking hands has been known to be painful up to an hour afterwards, she will drink any alcohol she finds, no matter the quality or taste she will withstand it. [/hider] Any editing will be adding my new characters, making tiny modifications or removing certain characters for certain reasons.