[i]Deep within the forest, far from the road and paths. There is a Camp known as 'Crescent Dagger Camp', a safe haven for thieves of all ages to live in. No one is quite sure how this place came to be, but some say that it was a military outpost many years ago that was raided. Others say The inhabitants are nomads and have yet to leave. Crescent Dagger Camp is called many things, "A nest for scourge", " An un-honored den" or "Rat hole", but to those who live there, it goes why one name only. "Home" Crescent Dagger Camp is home to thieves of many ages, many are adults, there are however children living here as well. Reguardless of such, Everyone has a reason for their place among the camp, some were cast out by society, others give to those who need help from those who don't, some simply turn to thievery for fun. No matter the reason for you to end up living with them, No matter who you are or what you have done, you are welcome at Crescent Dagger Camp.[/I] Here is everything you need to know about the world. [hider=Time period.] The setting is isn't the most complex thing in the world but it has its moments: The most advanced weapon we have is a metal crossbow. The most advanced method of travel is a carriage pulled by a horse on land and by sea it is a ship with gear systems propelling it. There are no lightbulbs or flashlights, at best any light source other than a campfire would be a candle or a lantern. [/hider] [hider=Our place in the world] We are thieves in this world, we do not lead honorable lives, we take what we want and we don't give a single damn about who we piss off!. Pretty much all there is to it. [/hider] [hider=What exactly is Crescent Dagger Camp?] CDC is a safe haven for thieves, for any of you TES:V players, think the thieves guild of skyrim as an example. But in another universe with nothing to do with skyrim at all. Thieves of any background can live here as long as they respect others, as well as follow any rules laid out by the enforcers there. Our characters.[/hider] [hider=What weapons can we use if any at all?] -Daggers (Of course I'd use our home's namesake in this.) -Sword -Crossbow(You will have to steal one, but once you have it you can get bolts however you want, buy or steal.) [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Self explanatory. Age: 13-30. Appearance: As long as they aren't sci-fi like then we're clear. Personality: Make your character almost anything here, just don't make them mentally insane or anything of that nature. Weapon: Entirely optional. Other: Something else we need to know? [/hider] [hider=The camp itself] Crescent Dagger Camp is in fact more than just a few tents like any other camp, it is as big as a large town in the forest and is greatly hidden by all of the trees, to get there, you have to follow a trail of trees marked with a crescent, or have a resident lead you. The camp territory is mainly marked by the many trees but there are a few structures to block off outsiders, there is a river running through the camp that is blocked off by a wooden barricade, but just enough to keep people out and to let water flow for example. Most of the homes are large tents that can be closed off on cold nights, there are however a few houses to be found in the camp, they aren't very big, most of them have only one floor and a few rooms, but a few have a second floor along with the first. There are also a few areas to get and store food, there is at least one food outpost in each area of the camp, one by the entrance, on the opposite end of the camp and somewhere in the middle. There are very few outdoor lights due to risk of being found by authorities despite the seclusion.[/hider] -No Magic. -No godmodding. -The characters are not related by blood, if you say someone is like a brother or sister to you, or son or daughter, that is fine. But they can't be literally. -There WILL be lawbreaking without question, if that's not your thing, I am thankful you read this far. -Keep it pg13, Romance is perfectly fine, but anything NSFW is for the pm's. -You can only be human. If you have questions or comments or suggestion, don't be afraid to shoot. - I will NOT for ANY reason tolerate you if you laugh at someone because they are different, if someone comes here and they are Homosexual, deal with it, if they are Gender-fluid, deal with it. If they are pagan, deal with it. My point here is that people are all different and that's fine here and if you have a problem with that then the exit is stage right. I am aware of the crap that goes on in the real world and on this website, but you are to leave your pride at the door if you wanna Role play with me as your GM, [color=ed1c24][b]The First Time I See Anyone Harass Anyone, There Will Be Consequences. [i][u]I Mean It.[/u][/i][/b][/color] And now that the Pessimists, the Extremists and the Trump lovers have matured, happy Role playing.