Lucretia blinked her gross, compound eyes in surprise at… well, everything! This wasn’t going how she planned it at [i]all,[/i] but… well, they weren’t fighting now, or plotting to catch her anymore? At least, if she understood them properly - but who can tell with pirates? Soon-to-be pirates, at least… that she was certain of. Her stomach rumbled. Oh, right… That’s the unfortunate thing about running away from home in time for the sunrise - why, there’s simply no time at all to eat breakfast! And, besides… she could hardly say no if it was on the old man’s dime! “I would be [i]most obliged,[/i] my good man! Here, let me just change into something a little less [i]frightening[/i] and [i]also perhaps less awe-inspiring[/i]...” Lucretia spun around with a practiced flourish, shrinking back down and losing her weird, mantis-ish features until she resembled nothing more than some young noblewoman in an ostentatious dress. She smirked, looking back at the rest of the group. “I might not have a name for this ability yet," she said, "But it is positively [i]grand,[/i] is it not? Hold your applause -- this is nothing for me, the great [i]Lucretia Savaronitelle![/i]” She laughed haughtily, curtsying to an imaginary crowd.