[Center][h2] Location: [/h2] South West of where Piccolo and Raditz met.[/center] [hr] Quince walked along a glorious path with a scenery as beautiful as the garden of Eden itself. Since the place he was headed to was built for serious meditation it had to be peaceful and the environment had to be at its most perfect state for the meditator to receive all the benefits. Before he knew it he reached a white temple decorated by nature as if it were a ruin. Quince entered the temple walking towards the center of the single room and sat indian style in the center of the building. Where he sat rested the painting of a sun and from the center circle to the outer ones were paintings of different planets and moons. The temple didn't get the name 'Origin' just to draw attention. The paintings really did have a "center of the universe" type of feel to them and when Quince closed his eyes his surroundings seem to become silent and alter completely. He inhaled slowly and after a few seconds exhaled soon opening his eyes. [Color=OrangeRed] "What the hell..." [/color] Quince whispered to himself standing in the now soft sand that slightly gave away at his weight. Not only did his scenery change but the season seem to have been changed as well. [Color=OrangeRed] "....desert..?"[/color] Was the rhetorical question that escaped his lips. He took to the sky to get a better reading on his new surrounding, but alas nothing. The desert seemed to spread on for countless of miles. Quince wasn't one to fall prey to distress so he searched for any signs of life based on power levels and came across a few. [Color=OrangeRed] "Found Something!" [/color] He wouldn't usually head in the direction of a large amount of power levels, but he had to figure out why he was transferred from Origin to a desert. Quince flew towards the power level(s) in hope of running into someone or a settlement that could hopefully provide him with answers to his questions.