[b]INVENTORY UPDATE:[/b] [@Zombehs] [hider]Rope (long). Net (medium). Sheet. Broomless stick.[/hider] [@Skyswimsky][@Ashifili] >>> Require post to mention [u]choice of item[/u] due to trigger of Nein's offering. [i]Item remaining: Broomless stick (2), Bowie knife (1), Flintstone (1).[/i] [@Jerkchicken] [hider]Rugged rock (2). Smooth rock (2).[/hider] [@King Tai][@Jin][@sakurasan] [i]Empty.[/i] [hr][hr] [@Jerkchicken] As he neared the village, the stream flow seemed to be ironically gentler and narrower - [i]a complete opposite of geological common sense[/i]. By the time he reached the village, it was no more than a modest brook. He was chased away by angry denizens of the houses, and when he reached the fourth house (with two men NPC glaring at him, and one woman ready to batter him with her rolling pin), MisterListerTheSisterFister is met with a stupefied man who was just getting out from under the house. "Well, hello. I was just about to ask a favour from someone, or at least get backup. Could you go and get me [i]one lock of nekh hair[/i]? You can usually find them outside the village, down the river. I would go and hunt them myself but I'm not good with fighting and they're dangerous! ... Anyway, if you do, I'll give you food and money in return." >>> Accept quest? ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ [@sakurasan] [b][u]Missing Spouse[/u][/b] quest accepted! [hider]From: Hilda "My husband went out to camp two days ago, but he didn't return. I tried to get help from the other villagers, but since my husband has gone somewhat senile a few years ago, he often got into arguments with them so they don't want to help. I went to look for him myself and found this scrap of cloth from the shirt I made for him! I am too frail in my age to venture into the woods behind the village, so please ... Reward: ???[/hider] ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ [@Jin][@King Tai] >>> Please interact further to get your next GM narration.