Name: Theodora Rose (Given), Teddy Black (Hiding Name) Nickname: Teddy Age: 21 Type: Elf and Fairy mix Affiliation: Teddy is a Supernatural in hiding, but recently a group called Edge has been drawing her attention. Appearance: (the more realistic the picture the better, if no picture then at least a paragraph how tall are they, what type of body shape, hair color etc.) Appearance: Teddy:[img][/img] Misty (Her Cat): [img][/img] Personality: Theodora is the quiet type. She does what she needs to do then goes home to her cat Misty and stays in, always watching over her shoulder. She does not trust anyone and can often be seen looking out her window as if in a daze. She is not a fighter, but she has recently been looking into a group she has heard about called “Edge”. She has yet to decide if they are actually helping or if they will be the demise of all supernaturals. History: It was a love story for the books. An Elf and a Fairy met and fell in love. Several months later a daughter was born. They named her Theodora Rose. They were a happy family until one day, when she was 13 or 14, her parents just vanished. Not a word, no trace of where they might have gone. At first Theodora thought they had left her, but later discovered that they may have been taken by a group of local scientists that were conducting experiments on her kind. When she heard the rumors she took the first train to the nearest large city and settled down, calling herself Teddy Black. She got a job as a waitress and a barista at a coffee shop. She lived in small one-bedroom apartment. She moves every three or four years always toting her cat Misty along and always staying in a small one-bedroom apartment close to her place of work. Abilities: Since Teddy is a mix between and Elf and a Fairy, her powers are somewhat diluted. She has neither full Elfish powers nor full Fairy powers. She does have an amazing connection to the earth and is able to make wonderful healing potions from all types of plants. She is also able to communicate with animals. If she concentrates hard enough, she can even control them with her mind and use their senses (heightened smell and hearing) to listen to other conversations and smell if there is a new comer in or around her building (the longest distance she can control an animal is anything within in a mile of where she is located). She always carries a small bag of healing herbs with her in case someone tries to attack her and another small bag of poison in case she gets taken. Weakness/weaknesses: Due to her father being an elf, Teddy’s skin is a bit thicker than most human skin, but still penetrable, it just takes more force. Using her powers does drain her energy. Making healing potions and herbs is less likely to exhaust her than communicating with an animal or controlling one. The further away the animal is the more exhausting it is for her. Other: She has a fascination with Koalas. She visited a zoo once and tapped into the mind of one and fell in love. She is also obsessed with coffee and is never seen in the morning without a mug or cup of coffee.