"No idea." He was being honest. Tim started to stir, but Brian gave a curt shake of the head. His voice was still lowered, "Stay real still." He wasn't sure what else to do in the situation. He had a handgun, but that was not an ideal weapon except it was easily carried. A shotgun, a rifle, something might have been better, but Macy didn't have one, end of story. His stayed in the holster under his shirt. "Let's just stay real still." It was already understood that neither he nor Tim were leaving the place tonight, not after that. Everyone was used to things happening after dark, but this was strange even by that measure. Usually it was whispers in the breeze or lights in the deeper woods. There were reports of 'acute Emergence' in some places, but Haye was not such a place. Those places tended to clear out fast. City block vacated, small town abandoned. People steered clear. There was a revival Puritan's distrust of the wild places and the deep woods. A village in 17th-century New England looked upon the untamed places with fear. 21st century Haye Township and a lot of other places across America were doing the same thing. It was why Church was a popular thing, and not just for Sundays anymore. Brian got the feeling the pews would be packed after dawn tomorrow. "What's the next move?" He would have told the nurse that Tim needed to be given xanax and knocked the hell out. That they'd have to spend a sleepless night hoping that whatever that was, it wasn't coming for them. If they were just sleep-deprived the next day, that was the best they can do. It was ironic. In this situation, the locals would blame the three Emergents in the room, if they knew they were. But the Emergents were just as clueless as the others. They were thrust into this new world with powers that they could barely touch and didn't understand. They had a steeper hill to climb with society out to get them. They were just as likely to be messed with by the new things out there. [@carsgovroom]