Watching Giko eat, Claribel had to stuff a bite of her own food into her mouth to keep from giggling. She really ate it! This was making her day. What else would Giko do? Claribel's ear twitched as she caught the shopkeeper's remark, and she paused before taking another bite. She looked over at Giko again...[i]naaaw[/i]. Marine thing? No way! Claribel passed over Giko's portion...was the puppeteer eyeing it? Whatever. [i]"So what's with the, uh, the shells? Are they some kinda fashion around these parts?"[/i] Claribel blinked, tilting her head as she mumbled, "Eh?" Eyes widening, she gasped, "Eh!? Are you kidding!?" Crossing her arms over her chest, she began, "They're TDs! Er, Tone Dials. They're only the best invention, like, ever~! Back when the Soul King was getting really, really huge they started making these so people could listen to music easier! And now tons of bands put them out so I can music without having to go watch someone play! Here!" Pulling her silvery pair off her ears, she threw them over Giko's, giggling, "This is a new one. Try it!" Claribel tapped the button on the side, letting it play for the puppet. Looking down at Giko...wait...she was and white? Claribel unmistakably glanced sideways at the puppeteer...