[b]Name:[/b] Chamber R. Wesson [b]Location:[/b] Logue Town - Guns & Donuts! [b]Mentions:[/b] [@Zobozun][@Pacifista] [hr] Strolling down the street, the rifleman came across a sign that read: [b]Black Powder Pete’s Powder Doughnuts and Firearms…[/b] The advertisement had been enough to stop the man in his tracks. “What? Guns and doughnuts?” Chamber exclaimed. He then smiled. “I got to go meet the genius behind this business strategy.” He meant no sarcasm. Doughnuts and guns; it was ingenious! The owner must had made over a thousand beli a day. As Chamber approached the store, his blue eyes happened to stray over to two young ladies who were casually listening to music. The rifleman’s pace slowed until he stopped and stared at them. A rosy hue blossomed on his cheeks as his eyes began to twinkle with………………………………………..[url= http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-s3rE5PEKNek/T1jm-8ReasI/AAAAAAAANFU/dsoe402sQyg/s1600/Funny-Anime-Boy-In-Love.jpg]LOVE![/url] Lips stretching into a firm line of determination, Chamber marched over to the woman of his dreams, fist swinging with purpose like a toy soldier. He stopped right behind Claribel, invading her personal space. His eyes were tensely staring passed her. SHE WAS IN THE WAY! “You!” Chamber exclaimed. He then stepped around Claribel to face Giko while she was engrossed in Claribel’s music. He took her wooden hand in his own, which he saw her as being as real as any babe made of flesh, and took a knee in front of her. Gazing up at her from the proposal stance, he frowned and declared: “I have been blinded by your beauty. You…we…are destined to be together. I have found my true love.”