Staying real still. Shouldn't be an issue. Macy was glued to the spot, and if she moved she know her limbs would be trembling. Nighttime had always been a bit scary, even before the Emergence. And now, after whatever force it was the had caused of this had awakened, it was even scarier. She had heard stories on the road after leaving Florida, unintentionally eavesdropping on her fellow bus riders' conversations, of things out in the night. Things that hadn't been there before the Emergents started popping up. Macy had never experienced it before, though. Not till tonight. [i]What's the next move?[/i] he had asked. Macy turned her head to meet his gaze, her eyes wider than normal. Dive under the covers? she wanted to say. [i]Close my eyes and pray that whatever is out there doesn't come knocking at my door?[/i] She didn't say that though. Even if she hadn't planned on having guests over, she did now. One of them was her patient. "Our first move," she began, forcing calm into her voice as she did so, "is giving Tim something for the pain, and to help him sleep. He needs rest more than we do. After that..." She shrugged and managed a small smile. "Coffee?" She had fished some pain meds out of her medical kit after that, as well as a Xanax, and she had made sure Tim swallowed everything. "Thanks, Doc," he had mumbled sleepily and nasally a short while after taking them. Macy's smile was sad. "I'm not a doctor." But she stayed by his side until he started snoring softly. Then came the hours until morning. No matter how badly her eyes yearned to close and her brain screamed at her to sleep, she didn't. She wasn't sure her nerves would let her. She also couldn't leave Brian alone and awake all night. So she made a pot of coffee, offering a cup to Brian and any other refreshment if he didn't take it. Macy finished painting her seascape, checked on Tim periodically, and chatted quietly with Brian. She didn't think either of them wanted to wake Tim, or draw the attention of whatever had screamed in the night. She was grateful he was here, despite it all. Being alone after hearing that screaming would have been awful, and...she hadn't really talked to anyone in a while. It was nice. She sunlight starting to creep through the curtains when Tim finally started shifting in his sleep, and was unable to stifle a fairly large yawn. Macy was suddenly grateful that she was working the dinner shift that evening. She looked over to Brian and smiled tiredly. "I can help you take him home, if you want. Make sure he's settled and has everything to take care of his nose." She picked up her mug and took a generous sip of her latest cup of coffee. "Want breakfast?" [@HeySeuss]