[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/handwriting-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Victor%20Wyatt%20&name=animeacei.ttf&size=40&style_color=848494[/img][/url][/center] [center][img]http://45.media.tumblr.com/a3e36590506aa4909e027ef798add6d5/tumblr_mkjnveEVO21r4v34qo3_r1_250.gif[/img][/center] [center][color=848494]Location:[/color] The beach [color=848494]Interactions:[/color] Everyone, his mother by text messages[/center] [hr][hr] The headache he'd woken up with hadn't let up yet. A groan of both annoyance and defeat slipped Tom his lips as the boat continued to draw closer to the dock. The vibration of his phone drew his wavering attention from the tilting, slightly spinning scenery. [b][i]How are you?[/i][/b] Were the words that greeted him. Victor rubbed his temples with his right hand, while his left began to type. He's been both surprised and cautious when his father had called him two days ago. With their busy schedules, his parents usually checked in every two or three days. He had talked to both of his parents and after that assumed they'd focus on work again, so the call had taken him off-guard. He'd agreed on the condition that they take care of Sirius for him and if he came back single, [i]they'd atop pressing him to date[/i]. [i]Have a headache that won't go away. It started when I got off the plane.[/i] He texted back before focusing on the approachinf dock. His gaze swept across the sand and the people around him, the vibration of his phone going almost unnoticeable as he felt his shoulders relax. It wasn't like he didn't like dating, he'd had girlfriends and boyfriends equally. It was just different and difficult to trust another with his past. He glanced down to his left wrist, nose wrinkling in distaste as the sun reflected off the metal of his medical bracelet. His mother had made him promise he'd wear it, Victor had agreed bit with a grumble and twitch of his jaw. He didn't detest it, he knew his limits and his pull schedule, it was his mother just worrying about him. He jerked forward and nearly toppled off the side of the boat as it suddenly came to a stop. Brown eyes blinked dazedly before focusing forward. Someone was talking and with more effort than was needed, he tuned into the man's words. He also noticed that people were introducing themselves, he felt a smile twitch his lips. He raised his left hand, his phone slipping back into his jeans pocket. He took a deep breath and chirped his name out, wave of his hand and smile included. [color=848494]"Hey! Names Victor Wyatt but call me Vic. I hope we have a blast and make friends!"[/color] His headache temporarily forgotten, Vic moves forward as a few others do and exists onto the sandy beach. Hopefully they'd get food soon, he was [i]starving[/i], blinking when the man that had spoken easier handed him something, brien eyes scammed the words. Huh, he'd have a room? And a 'date' later? Joy. [hr] [hr] [center][url=http://fontmeme.com/old-english-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Avira%20Mendoza%20&name=Canterbury.ttf&size=60&style_color=70195F[/img][/url][/center] [center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/xYBYYY5a7jUyc/giphy.gif[/img] [color=70195F]Location:[/color] The beach [color=70195F]Interactions[/color] Her brother Enrique -by phone-, Everyone else [/center] [hr][hr] [i][color=6ecff6]"Okay. You there yet?"[/color][/i] Avira knew he was doing it on purpose. He'll she'd answered, so now she was stuck dealing with his randomness. She sighed and fondly rolled her eyes as she boat she and several others were on, moved closer to a beach. [color=70195F]"Yeah as a matter of fact. Now anything else?"[/color] She hadn't risen her voice, but the annoyed edge was clear as she spoke. Enrique chuckled softly over the line and hummed softly, something he usually did when teasing her. Avira hadn't known how to react when she found the plane tickets on her nightstand table. She had asked both her parents, her aunt and uncle, though no one wanted to tell her who had bought them. Avira found herself on a plane, going on a dating 'vacation' before she'd fully thought the situation through. Brown eyes darted away from the sand and towards a man as he began to speak. Wait --they'd have rooms and were expected to start on dates? Avira tuned into his words and blinked when a small card was in her free hand, a room number written across it. She focused on her brother, who was softly but firmly scolding by the sounds of it, her cats. [i][color=6ecff6]"You okay Av?"[/color][/i] Avira blinks and glances at her phone screen, having momentarily forgotten she was in a cwll. She absently nodded, then cleared her throat when she realized he couldn't see it. She'd been hesitant to agree when Enrique had appeared at her door with a tray of breakfast and the tickets. Sighing softly, she runs tanned fingers through her long brown hair. [color=70195F]"Yeah, gotta go though. I'll text you later, En."[/color] She didn't wait for his response. She ended the call and slipped her phone back into her jeans pocket, the others were moving off the boat and she didn't want to get left behind. This was a present Enrique had told her, she'd make the best of it as she could. At the various names filling the air, she raises her own hand and offers a hesitant smile. [color=70195F]"It's nice to meet you all. My name is Avira Mendoza, I hope things go well."[/color]