[center][h3][color=darkblue]Maximus Cirius Santos[/color][/h3] [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OebcMqzDfFk/Sz9_2TS8r2I/AAAAAAAADMQ/bcr09JKqQNc/s400/Steven+Silva+StarStruck+V+GMA7.jpg[/img] [b][u]Location[/u][/b]: B-list dorm area [b][u]Interacting with[/u][/b]: His sister -> Holden via text [@HushedWhispers] [/center][hr] The two siblings were going back and forth talking about random things. They were not using pure English, mind you, rather a combination between the international language and their mother tongue. Although if one were to at least have some little knowledge in Filipino, they would manage to understand that Max was actually pretty worried about his sister. She was, in fact, sick in bed and had decided to call her brother who she knew wouldn't be busy today. It was that day that Max couldn't entirely understand. For someone who doesn't exactly like football as much as the Americans did, it wasn't a day he was too excited for. [b][color=darkblue]"Yeah, I'll call you later when I have the time."[/color][/b] The call ended after that and he stood up to look out of the window. The area was already bustling with activity. People were scurrying here and there, most likely those who were actually involved in the pep rally itself. Then there were the others who were just out and about, checking the preparations and such out of sheer curiosity. Usually, he would be down there, trying to help however he can but that call from his sister prompted him to stayed inside for the meantime. Actually, he was ready to get going before the call. Now, he felt lazier than ever. If the pep rally wasn't a mandatory attendance, he would've stayed inside his room. Closing his laptop, Max placed it inside his laptop bag. He, of course, carried the laptop everywhere he went considering a moment of inspiration can strike at any time and who knows when he might need it. He also carried around a notebook inside and a pen in his pocket. He looked around. Everything looked neat and tidy. Holden had already left the dorm room earlier because of his position at the Glee Club. And Max was pretty sure that there was something going on in the club, some complications. Whatever it was, there was nothing he could actually do to help. He was about to leave since he had everything ready when he noticed that he left his phone on his bed, silent too. Max sighed and went for the object and noticed the message that was sent to him. Speaking of Holden, he sent a text. Enjoying the pregame activities huh? He should've been. [center][b][color=darkblue]To: Holden Sad to say that I'm not. But sure, where to?[/color][/b][/center] With that, he put his phone on vibrate, slid it into his pocket and went outside. The halls weren't particularly busy save for the occasional person passing by and saying hello. It wasn't long until he got outside of the dorms and out into the open. It wasn't soon until someone came up to him and asked for his help. While waiting for Holden's reply, might as well help out right? Right.