[b]Name[/b]: Elizabeth Wick (never goes by that name) [b]Nickname[/b]: Jane Doe (that’s what the outside world has started to know her by) [b]Age[/b]: 25 [b]Type[/b]: Supernatural human. [b]Affiliation[/b]: Supernatural whom fights [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider= picture] [img]https://borgdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/radioactive-girl-in-green-hood.jpg[/img] [/hider] Jane's short slender body (1.65 meter) can occasionally make people think, she is younger than she actually is. She's never been a big fan of dresses or high heels and mostly wears jeans and t-shirts. When she's sneaking into places she usually wears a hoodie and a thick lair of make-up to hide her identity. [b]Personality[/b]: Hotheaded and resentful of the world. Jane firmly believes supernaturals are the next step in human evolution and fights for it. She will do anything to protect her girlfriend, Lisa, whom she share everything with. [b]History[/b]: Jane (didn’t go by that name back then) spend 14 miserably years in a broken home. She was never taught how to handle her emotions, yet she never felt any anger, when people pointed fingers and called her trash. “The bastard’s daughter” some referred to her as. Finally, some light came into her life, as she met Lisa. That perfect angel had grown up with everything, and yet, for some strange reason, she gave Jane her love. It would still take Jane 4 additional years to come out of the closet as gay, but when she did it was a relief beyond words. Then the strange things started to happen. Lights would go out. Things would explode randomly. It wasn’t long until Jane figured out that it was her, who did these things. Somehow, she absorbed and channeled energy within her body. She tried to reach out to the world; she tried to get help, and was met with nothing more than fear and hate. Then… then Jane showed everyone she could hate to. She started to hit back, and when she hit back it was with such a force that newspapers started to feature it. Jane had turned into something to be feared, [i]and why shouldn’t she? She was just like everyone else… in fact she was MORE![/i] Her little vendetta changed when a certain kind of people got hold of her. They were a small privately funded organization that intended to strike back at the world, and to turn the city into their own by executing secret operations/missions and starting a revolution. How they planned to do this and what they would do with such a power, was still a mystery to people who worked for them, but somehow it would benefit supernaturals. The organization, nicknamed “Edge”, is small (20 handpicked people or so), and is not the biggest rebellion out there. It's more like an experiment to see what a group of determined individuals can do if proper organized. It has both humans and supernaturals working in it. Jane’s powers and skills have ensured that she is their Ace in the hole in the fight against oppression. Though other supernaturals (possibly with even more explosive powers) are also deployed on jobs, none are quite as favored as Jane, and the government has started to notice her. They have even put out an arrest warrant for this “Jane Doe” though no one has yet to give a detailed description of her. Jane’s success on missions, and a mixture of determination and radical believes had landed her the role of leader of the little guys. She may not have any official power in Edge, but she participates in meets and is informed of progress. That has since been a problem for the few wealthy people behind the organization, since Jane clearly has a lot to learn about leadership, responsibility, keeping a leveled head and how to win a war, yet suddenly everybody asks about her opinion. [b]Abilities[/b]: [b]Energy absorption:[/b] Science tells us that there is energy in everything, whether it’s electricity, heat, light or a moving ball. Jane is someone who absorbs energy, stores it for a limited amount of time and can project it afterwards. Fire, explosions, heat, electricity and a lighting strike can all be consumed by her if she wants it to, but there is more: Jane can absorb the impact of a speeding car if it crashes into her. The same goes with bullets being fired. Once she has absorbed the energy she can fire it anyway she likes: A broad beam that smashes or knocks over a car, a paper thin one that pretty much cuts through anything in an instance, or a super-high jump (the landing will make her absorb new energy, but she rarely has any control once she is in the air, so she mostly avoids this one). She can also make a powerful punch or kick, but these are single strikes, not a series of attacks. [b]Healing:[/b] Absorbing energy can make her heal wounds and mend broken bones. However this is still a slow process and can rarely be used on the battlefield. (This will almost be a weakness, since I can then make my character get seriously hurt) [b]Physically fit:[/b] Jane trains kick-boxing and parkour, and though her physic is nowhere near supernatural level, she can certainly handle herself in a fistfight. [b]Weakness/weaknesses:[/b] She must have psychical connecting to what she absorbs, and only big or fast impacts can be absorbed. That means Jane can not absorb getting her throat cut, getting choked, poisoned, gassed or having someone break her arm. And she can only absorb a small part of getting punched in the face by regular people. A knife thrown at her is sometimes just slow enough to penetrate halfway in before deflecting. Jane has yet to find the limit to how much she can absorb, but surely there is one.