[h1]Vershult[/h1] Over the sky's of Vershult flew a gathering murder of crows, and at their front navigated a small magpie. As he traveled to the cursed country he had called his kin to take flight and aid him in his quest to find the last of the Versultians. To the ravens, who roosted and raised their fledglings in the kin trees, Vershult and it's people were like brothers and they mourned its loss, in their own way. The murder had started at about 40, but the host was now numbering in the thousands and was spread throughout Vershult, looking for its savior, and it's destroyer. His destiny wasn't complete. It was the little magpie who spotted him, lamenting the loss of his home. A caw went out, and the black flock fanned out, spreading across the land in a winding river of flapping wings leading to were miles and countries away, Kufue watched in stunned awe as the line reached all the way to were he was resting. The magpie landed near Vonsuer, and dipped his little head in a bird like bow, pecked lightly at his feet and motioned for him to follow. [@Razael] [h2]Dragons Cradle[/h2] The obsidian smith looked shock at the shear sound of the girls stomach growl. Then seeing her embarrassment he burst out laughing in a deep rolling tone. When he caught his breath he spoke on, [color=9e0b0f]"The girl has the hunger of a dwarf, and her belly speaks with the rumble of the mountain! Enough words eh? Tonight you will have the hospitality of Taurich lord of obsidian! And on the tomorrow you will set for the kings hall."[/color] in honor of their guests the camp chef prepared the good rations, mountain crab, sugary honey squash, smoked cave eel, Kral Deresh cheese (a hard mountain goat cheese with mushrooms in the rind), the last of the camps bread, snow apples, dwarven beer, and mushroom wine. The dwarf rangers were used to salted pork and pine needle tea, and were eager to break into the good stuff before they had to return from their expedition. The smith Taurich sat next to the elf and tried to make her feel welcome, like any good host. [color=9e0b0f]"Never got around to asking lass, what's your name?"[/color] [@Mr Rage]