[@KindledBeast] Fenrir relayed his message to Genesis looked sympathetic toward the man who looked clearly distressed as Fenrir sat there. [color=662d91]"I don't appreciate being moved like that, you know that right?"[/color] Fenrir commented. Genesis pet his head. [color=00aeef]"I'm sorry"[/color] She apologized looking over seeing that they were already on their way heading out of the cave, she decided to wait to speak as they both followed them to the small village, she was skipping despite looking concerned for the man. [color=662d91]"Do we get any of that money?"[/color] Fenrir commented looking at them paying Bishop. Genesis didn't ask believing it would be rude to do so as they continued to follow them to the train station, seeing them sign again. [color=662d91]"Please, I can run faster than this train if I really wanted to."[/color] Fenrir retorted. [color=00aeef]"Oh, before we go any further...I just wanted to say I appreciate you protecting my brother in battle. I don't remember if we introduced ourselves. My name's Genesis and this is my brother Fenrir who is grateful for helping him out."[/color] She replies with a smile. [color=662d91]"I'm most certainly not, I didn't need any help!"[/color] Fenrir snaps in response with an annoyed growl. As she continued to smile, not surprised as his reaction.