Name: Emi Takamitsu [though she has a whole bundle of other fake names] Age: 15 Appearance: Emi is quite the small thief. Standing at 5 feet flat, she is probably the smallest in her age group but she doesn't care much about that. She has shoulder-length blonde hair and bright blue eyes. She has that cute, innocent young girl look going on for her. Her clothing isn't very intimidating either and quite plain when paired up with her bright colored hair and eyes. She wears a custom-made mask and cloak whenever she meets someone out of the camp for information. Personality: Emi is just the ball of cute energy and fun. She probably made the whole camp her friend and cheers up most of the people she comes across. Although she has very few emotional attachments and nearly no one she actually trusts (save for her partner in crime). She is very secretive about her past, as she was not born there. She manages to control the conversation so it wouldn't focus on her entirely. Although to those who she cares about, she can be a little protective. One should not even think of crossing her when it came to dirt in your name, if she doesn't already know your deepest darkest secrets, bet that she will soon enough. After all, she is an informant worthy of praise. Weapon: She has two daggers hidden in her person that she uses for self-defense. Other: She is also a magician (uses this for thieving most of the time). She is also a trusted informant in many parts of the kingdom, however illegal her methods of finding out are. Partners up with Will on multiple occasions. [hr] Name: Will Trubant Age: 18 Appearance: Will stands at a height of 5'7", a little small compared to the average height but good enough. He has jet black hair and dark brown eyes. He has an athletic body, built for speed, precision and acrobatic skills. He has a variety of clothing in his disposal, depending on who he plans to target. Personality: Will is observant but outgoing. If anything, he's a gentleman worthy of praise among the nobility, mostly because he was a noble before he became a thief. He can be a smooth talker when he wants to and has been known to manipulate those he tries to steal from. Taking away their concentration from their valuable and onto him, his partner (Emi) would easily pick someone's pockets. His nonchalant behavior to trouble is something that worries most. Weapon: He has six throwing knives inside a specially made holder, three on each side of his leg, but of course hidden from view. Another dagger hidden underneath his cloak/coat. Other: His past is somewhat interesting, ask about it and he'll happily share. His partner in crime is Emi.