[quote=@shagranoz] [hider=Anne] Name: Anne Marrus Age: 46 (died at 19) Gender: Female Race: Ghost (Former human) Appearance: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=OIP.Md71fda739fe1152e174b189f5deb78a7H0&w=169&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0&r=0 Like this, but translucent Magic: Runic magic Runic magic requires writing (often long) words and phrases on clay tablets, then infusing the caster's own magical energy into them. Outside energy cannot be used. Larger and more specific runes can hold more energy. The spell is not immediately cast, but stored in the tablet until broken and released. Techniques: Anne usually has a wide variety of small runes for mundane jobs that she carries on her in a black leather bag. She also has a few, stronger fire runes for in case she's attacked. Equipment: Leather rune satchel. Book of runes: Just like it sounds, a book where she writes down various runic designs she comes across. Personality: Ironically, Anne's the liveliest girl you're ever likely to meet. "Bubbly", "Perky", and "Constantly Happy" are all terms used to describe her. Despite this, she's known for being a little bit of an airhead. History: Anne hails from the desert town of Kalas. Located on the only navigable river and large freshwater source for 30 miles, Kalas is an incredibly wealthy trading town, with people from across the land coming to buy, sell, and live there. Anne learned she had the gift of magic at a young age, and was sent to study under an elf named Harna. When she was 19, Kalas was struck by a Black Fever epidemic. Anne came down with the dreaded disease, and two weeks later, her body breathed its last. But that was not the end of her. How and why ghosts form is poorly understood, but whatever the cause, Anne became one. It took her a little while to adjust to her new situation, but she did. After a few years, wanderlust set in, and Anne made her way to Rothar, where she now works as the house witch at the Black Horse Inn. Other: Anne can telekinetically manipulate small objects (up to about five pounds), but anything larger than that she needs to possess. To possess an object, Anne essentially merges her ectoplasmic body with it. To a casual observer, the object seems to have come alive. She cannot possess living beings, nor anything made of iron or silver. Anne has the standard-issue ghost powers of intangibility and invisibility, but she cannot phase through iron, salt, or silver, and weapons made of those materials can harm her as though she was flesh and blood. She also cannot hide from anyone with magically enhanced sight. Being dead, Anne does not have the needs of the flesh, such as eating, drinking, breathing, etc. Anne has a familiar, a grizzled old black tomcat missing an eye and an ear named Lucky. Lucky can talk thanks to his bond with Anne, but otherwise has no magical abilities. [/hider] [/quote] Accepted, just remember that being a ghost does not mean that she can't harmed by supernatural forces or be blasted into the afterlife