[@DarkwolfX37]: Yeah, I agree that you're being too hard on yourself. I'm completely fine with shorter, simpler posts, as long as they portray your characters adequately. You don't need to add fluff for the sake of adding fluff. Also, I made the following change to the first paragraph of the Codex, section 2.2.3: [quote]A soul’s power level determines the maximum amount of mana that it can control at once, and the density of mana manipulations it can perform. This includes both controlling one’s internal power, and channeling external power. The density is what makes certain magical effects powerful, often more so than the total amount of energy. For example, a star has a vastly greater amount of energy than everything on a planet combined, but the most powerful souls on the planet can still easily survive indefinitely inside the star’s core, due to the star’s energy being far less dense per unit of volume than the energy of those powerful souls. However, if all of the star’s energy is concentrated in the same volume as the aforementioned soul, then the soul most certainly cannot survive contact with this hyper-dense star.[/quote] So feel free to go chill out in the heart of the Sun or something.