Out in the empty vast expanses of space, a lone ship maintained present coordinates. Moments later another ship emerged from hyperspace right next to it, a significantly smaller ship. Though it was heading straight for the Imperial Star Destroyer, the Phantom Seeker did not make any attempts to slow down, but maintained high velocity as it shot straight toward the landing bay. Stormtroopers and Imperial personnel jumped out of the way as the ship careened toward them in what appeared to be a crash landing. The sleek Nubian ship did not crash, however, but stopped right on target. On board the ship captain and pilot, one rodian looking apathetic, strode to the ship's exit. [color=lightgreen]"Stay with the Seeker,"[/color] he ordered the three cronies aboard, [color=lightgreen]"And make sure nobody touches her for any reason."[/color] The crewman nodded in the affirmative and the rodian disembarked. He was greeted just outside by a small squad of stormtroopers, who had their blasters raised, and two low-ranking officers. "Lower your weapons, men. It's one of the bounty hunters Admiral Vondell sent for and his orders were [i]exceedingly clear[/i] on how to greet these guests." The slightly higher ranked officer barked orders at the men, who lowered their weapons with some reluctance. Apparently they didn't appreciate the Phantom Seeker zooming through their docking bay with reckless abandon, even if nothing was damaged and nobody was hurt. "Which rodian are you, then?" asked the second officer. "Vo, or Kenu?" The rodian remained silent for the moment, only raising an eyebrow at the question. There were others invited today? He had hoped the Empire was looking to hire him exclusively. After all, the message spoke of a very high risk, high reward job. Who else would even be worthy? "Clearly you need to revisit the reputation of our illustrious guest, Bodaan Kenu," the first officer chided the second. "Who else would pull such a stunt? Please forgive my colleague and follow me. Captain Dene is waiting for you in one of our conference rooms." Bodaan shrugged and did exactly that. The officer lead him through the star destroyer, through the brightly lit halls swarming with troopers and technicians, until they came to an administration wing of the starship. There the officer opened a door into a room with a round conference table, surrounded by chairs. Inside was another human with the markings of a captain, no doubt this Dene the officer referred to, as well as a wookiee. Bodaan stepped inside and took a seat of his own, opposite that of the wookiee. He made no attempt to address either being he shared the room with, but stared at Captain Dene, expectantly.