[b]Name:[/b] Guinevere Cosax AKA [color=ed145b]“Arrow”[/color] (Straight Arrow) [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Appearance:[/b] -[u]Nothing special[/u] to look at -Wears the [u]common clothes[/u] of the area with nothing particularly flashy (considering that is all that she can afford.) Even so, she is able to wear the garments with a [u]level of stylishness[/u]. -[u]Dark brown hair[/u] -[u]Hazel eyes[/u] -Darker skinned with freckles that you might find in a [u]southern European[/u]. -She is [u]a little tall[/u] for a woman and [u]a little lanky[/u] -[u]Flat chest[/u] -Has [u]toned legs[/u] from a lot of walking [b]Personality:[/b] -[u]Mad thinker[/u] -[u]Weird[/u] -[u]Mischievous[/u] -[u]Contemplative[/u] -[u]Doesn’t stand out[/u] even when she tries -Has a [u]passion that runs deep[/u] and is not diverted by failure or obstacles -[u]Loves challenges[/u] and thrives with opposition -A total [u]futurist[/u] -Is innately [u]curious[/u] and a devout learner of anything that tickles her fancy -Has lots of experience with [u]street-smarts[/u], avoiding dangerous situations of unwholesome environments. -While a thief, there is a [u]moral code [/u]that she follows that is absolute. This has earned her the nickname “Straight Arrow” as a mockery, but her comfort with it has been turned to a term of respect and shortened to just “Arrow.” [b]Weapon:[/b] Arrow carries a long whip, but does not use it to kill. [b]Other:[/b] She has a long record of arrests and breaking and entering, however, nobody has ever been able to pin a crime on her other than being where she is not allowed. The one crime that the thieves recognize her for, is the flawless caper of the theft of several sacred texts and books on magic from a noble by the name of Pravus. It was a story to be blown off as mere legend considering that the house and Pravus himself have no clue where to even start looking for suspects or improvement in security. However, witnesses claim that such texts are in Arrow’s possession though why she is not attempting to sell them is beyond the reasoning of most. This has earned her the respect of being some sort of mastermind.