[@Polaris North] "[color=7ea7d8]Uh...[/color]" Waltz winced at her the sound of her own voice. She wasn't used it being her actual voice, but she'd have to deal with it for now, as she thought that this was probably going to be her natural voice for a while. Still, it'd probably take some time before she stopped pausing every time she spoke. "[color=7ea7d8]That's...not the most complicated I've heard...[/color]" Waltz made a gesture that looked to be rubbing the back of her own head. "[color=7ea7d8]Well...You can call me by this character's name, I guess...Waltz, that is...You already knew that...[/color]" Waltz sighed at the sound of the awkwardness just raining down to answer the call of her voice's tone. That was another thing she'd have to get used to. The name was actually meant for the actual character. Her real name was going to be difficult to respond to. She'd have to pay close attention, just in case. "[color=7ea7d8]Anyway, yeah. I'm not a girl. I'm actually glad this character's more like a monster in appearance so I don't actually have to deal with...yeah, I can't say that in front of people yet.[/color]" Waltz sighed and shook her head. She looked towards Luna, who was talking to Birth. "[color=7ea7d8]Hey, Leo...You have any idea what's going on? Why we're here? How we turned into these characters? What those guys are talking about?[/color]"