[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Aiu0wmY.jpg[/img] "Do you mind? Unlike you I have to make my tools, not just flick my wrist." [h1][color=556B2F] Jaklo Wright, The Wolf's Legacy [/color] [/h1][/center] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAl9kZCwOPE ] The most apt description of Jaklo's normal state [/url] Name:Jaklo Wright Age: Twenty one. Gender: Male Species: Human Appearance: Jaklo is 6’ 2” and around two hundred pounds.He has thick dark brown hair that is kept three or four inches long. He cares more that is is out of the way than how it looks. Most of the time it doesn’t matter as he’ll keep it under a cap. Jaklo has cold amber eyes. The irises glow when he uses his night vision. Jaklo has overall sharp features on his face. As for his build Jaklo is rather lean, but not scrawny in the slightest. If anything he has some trouble building up fat, and he always has plenty of muscle from work. Jaklo prefer efficiency to fashion. He grades clothes by pockets rather than people’s names. He typically will wear regular shirts with simple solid colors, cargo pants, a solid pair of hiking boots and a long trench coat. He wears hats almost constantly. It’s just a thing he does. Caps, wide brim hats, beanies, anything he can wear comfortably. His only exception is at the office where he understands that they have to keep up professional appearances. here it's white shirts, a vest, and slacks. Background: Jaklo came into the business of magic through the work of an old hunter named Wulfegang Shelt. Jaklo was always a troublesome kid. Even in preschool he was highly aggressive and would fight the other children over even little things. He wasn’t cruel or evil, but his parents couldn’t channel his aggression through anything. This is where Wulfegang presented himself. The older man was known throughout the neighborhood. He was a retired park ranger as well as a big part of the community. He offered to homeschool Jaklo and try his best to help the kid. He remarked that “I was just like that at his age.” From there the story somewhat tells itself. Wulfegang did teach him all things he would be expected to learn in school, but he wasn’t just a park ranger. Wulfegang was a Hunter. Everyday, even weekends, Jaklo got to see just why he was so different. Hunters can come in all kinds of forms, but Jaklo had access to a powerful primal side of himself. With training and practice he could be an apex predator. Left alone he would likely tear himself apart. Training started simple of course. You don’t normally hand a five year old a sword and drop them in the woods to fight monsters. Jaklo stuck it out with Wolf, a simple nickname for his gray haired teacher, until he was eighteen when he struck out to really test himself. He used the cover of attending college to let himself explore around the U.S. and see what he was capable of. It was only a year later that he returned home for a break. He hurried to see Wolf, but found his house surrounded with people and an ambulance. Jaklo rushed in to find his teacher dead. He rushed to his side. Jaklo shook and shook Wolf grabbing onto his shirt. He was about to start doing chest compressions when an EMT pulled him back. “He’s already been dead awhile. He died in his sleep last night.” The EMT tried to console Jaklo. “What’d he die of? He’s been perfectly healthy. Just last week he was hiking the trails.” Jaklo growled, but there was far more pain than anger in his voice. “He’s also ninety seven. When you get to be that age you sometimes just pass away.” The EMT said in flat honesty “That’s bullshit.” Jaklo shouted before turning back to his mentor, “Wolf! God damnit Wolf! You can’t just do this to me. I’m not ready yet. Wolf!” Jaklo fell to his knees every emotion boiling up: rage, agony, despair. He could feel a void in his being opening up. The funeral went on a few days later. Wulfegang was unmarried, had no children, and no contact with other family. Everything in his will went to Jaklo who was labeled as “student and the damn near closest thing I have to a son.”. Jaklo spent a good few months sorting through his mentor’s belongings as well as his own feelings. It was in the many collections Wulfegang had that Jaklo discovered a little group called Wells and Raick. Wulfegang was meticulous with journals and had a fair few photos. One that stood out was Wolf in his prime with a motley crew of men, women, and even some magical beings. They were all outside of a brick building with a big wooden sign that read “Wells and Raick Private Investigations”. The back of the old Polaroid also had a note. “The gang from W&R after the big hunt.” It took a bit more searching, but Jaklo eventually found a phone number and a new path. Current Life: Jaklo moved to Maine over a year ago and has been working for W&R since then. He has a tiny home that houses just him. It’s a simple little place basically a rustic but modern log cabin. Jaklo does prefer to spend his time working on his weapons and such, but even he has to get out sometimes. His usual haunts are a pub on main street close by to the office called The Tavern and the waterfront. The Tavern isn’t exactly a fantastic place, but the beer is cold and the company doesn’t drive him insane. Jaklo grew up near Great Lakes so he’s always been used to seeing big bodies of water and something about being there does make him think of home…and chips. Personality: Jaklo has grown out of his overly aggressive childhood and become reasonably well adjusted adult. Wulfegang was right though Jaklo is not normal mentally. His mana is used to fuel his predatory skills and instincts. He seeks challenges and fights by nature. Age and wisdom lets him pick only fights that matter. Of course wisdom tends to go out the window when he gets really pissed. Jaklo is a largely positive person who lives for his job and gains great satisfaction from it. He’s glad he can help people and knows his mentor would be proud of his choices. This positivity does not mean he is outwardly so. He looks solemn, and He can appear a bit gruff with first encounters, but that’s just him not being in a social mood.He can be a good friend but only when he wants to. He just has a lot of weight on his shoulders. He's the soul student of his mentor feels personally responsible to carry on. Jaklo is driven by a strong sense of duty to his mentor. He could have had a really miserable life, and instead he gets to fight monsters for a living. He has plenty to be thankful for and never forgets what Wolf did for him. He would rather die than dishonor his master. Nothing disgusts Jaklo more than people with no regard for the natural world. Now he won’t punch a guy for littering, but there are serious troubles going on these days because of moronic actions of rich people. Jaklo has no extreme fears, but isn’t a fan of dying or anything horrible like that. At most he doesn’t want to let people down, and especially doesn’t want to fail his mentor. He wants to keep that legacy going strong. Schools of Study: Alchemology and Beastiology. Specialization: Arcane Firearms, Metallurgy, Brewing, Smithing, and Enchanting Spells: Jaklo has only one spell. It’s a spell that lets him gain night vision. Abilities: Tracker: Jaklo has been taught how to pick up on tiny details and follow trails made by his quarries. Crack Shot: Jaklo has been working with firearms since he was young and is deathly proficient. Ammo Assembler: Jaklo knows how to make magical ammo that will cause various effects when fired. His primary ammunition types are: Dragon's breath (a variation on the normal ammo type using greek fire as the base for the flame), Buckshot (if it bleeds this will kill it), Silver Flechette (twenty or so silver slivers ready to make any magical creature wish for death), 5.56 NATO (For those blade runner moments. You know like That gun), and Wolf Fang (an alchemoarcane ammo that produces white fang like bolts when fired. The shot has the magical energy to pierce and the stopping power of physical ammo.) Toxic Concoctions: Jaklo has been trained to use venoms and make poisons. Hunter’s Hand Grenades: Jaklo knows recipes for: firebombs, freezing catalysts, and smoke bombs. Back to basics: Jaklo has a solid education with the most common weapons and improvised weapons very well. Weapons not required: even with his bare hands Jaklo is a capable fighter. Custom Engineered: Jaklo builds all of his own gear specifically for himself. He can make all kinds of bladed weapons, firearms, and armor. The secret ingredient? MAAAAGIC: Jaklo can imbue his weapons and tools with magical properties. He can only get one or two simple enchantments to be stable on a tool right now. Thrill of the Hunt: Jaklo has a deep rooted need to hunt. He has an extra sense akin to instincts that give him a little extra insight into beasts and monsters. As well as a deep seeded rage which can either fuel or destroy him. Equipment: Arcane Justice: A quad-barreled shotgun/blunderbuss made of metal as black as the abyss. The barrels are engraved with alchemical patterns, but also have some inlaid silver for certain sigils. It has a full stock made out of white ironwood. Each barrel can be shot individually and loaded with either shells or literally anything that fits. Despite its status as a shotgun Arcane Justice can be highly accurate when loaded with rifle ammo. Jaklo refers to it as the firearm equivalent of a swiss army knife. Ammunition Pouch of Holding: While true bags of holding are very very hard to make bags made to hold a lot of one thing or a lot of very similar things are much easier. The ammo pouch is about the size of brick and made out of dark red demonhide. Jaklo can reach into it and pull out whatever ammo he wanted to pull out so long as he put it in. Legacy: A magical blade that can take on the shape of for different weapons. A large hunting knife for butchering kills, a short sword, a longsword, a falchion. The blade was a gift from Wolf and the start of Jaklo’s carrying on of Wolf’s legacy. The blade has basic magical properties and as such can hurt those resistant to normal weaponry. As well the weapon itself is expertly made and can even cut into some soft metals Visage: A long dark brown trench coat in appearance, but in truth it is a heavily enchanted piece of armor that protects every part of Jaklo even those not covered by the coat. There is a small barrier all around Jaklo when it is active. It is hardly indestructible and breaks easily to four or five good hits. The shield recharges in around a minute, but also slightly regenerates up to full power when not being his. Other: