[hr] [h2][center][u][b][color=SlateBlue]Shadrok[/color][/b][/u][/center][/h2] [sub][center][u][b][color=Green]Location: Gohan's Training Grounds[/color][/b][/u][/center] [center][u][b][color=Yellow]Status: Curious, on-guard/edge....[/color][/b][/u][/center][/sub] [hr] Distance was depleting between himself and the power-level which was sensed. Eyes narrowed as Shadrok notices two humanoids in the distance. Coming to a halt Shadrok flips forward and lands onto the ground within about five-meters of Gohan and Piccolo. Arms still crossed, the man eyes a young boy and an adult-alien or as he calls.... "[color=SlateBlue] YO, GREEN-MAN! I suggest you tell me about this planet and it's inhabitants...[/color]" An ever so weak smile etched into Shadrok's expression, faintly his head tilts to the left during the inquiry as though he's confused or amazed. Eyes transfixed on Gohan and Piccolo as response was awaited. Observation of Shadrok's eyes, one may be able to tell he's looking for something behind Gohan, per say a tail?