[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=6ecff6][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=100&style_color=6ecff6[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr] Wadsworth waited for each of the of the arrivals to get situated and the bellhops to gather all the baggage. Once that was done the bellhops began to make their way down the beach and towards the hotel; making sure that each set of luggage was set into the appropriate room for the name on the bags. "Now, if you all would follow me," Wadsworth say with a beaming broad smile on his face as he motioned for his newest guest to come with him. "Our beach is completely private for miles in either direction. The waters are crystal clear and provide for such an amazing view if you wish to go snorkeling. The jungle and mountains behind us provide wonderful hiking and climbing adventures. We have saunas, private dining areas, pools inside and out, spectacular verandas and our staff will be on call every moment of the day and night to serve all your needs. Now, please proceed to your rooms and freshen up. We will begin in two hours with the first round of your activities. We will start out with a Speed date in the main gathering room off to the right hereon the main floor. In your folders is the name of the person you will be paired with first. We do ask that you all refrain from speaking with each other from now until then. You signed up for a process, it seems such a waste to just ignore it. Once you are ready, just proceed to the location and take a place at your assigned table for the first round." With that Wadsworth went on his way to attend to the finishing touches of this evenings events. [b][i][color=6ecff6][center]Room Assignments And Speed Date Round 1 Reminder[/center][/color][/i][/b] [hider=Room Assignments] Clementine Morgan - Lady A - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_kingjuniorsuperior02_2_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]1st floor[/url] - Room 1A Christian Emory - Lady A - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_grandsuite02_3_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]Detached Bungalow 2nd Floor[/url] - Room Bungalow B1 Imogen Badcocke - Charnobylisk - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_cliffcastle01_2_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]2nd Floor[/url] - Room 2A Darren Russell - Charnobylisk - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_kingjuniorsuperior02_2_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]1st Floor[/url] - Room 1B Lukas Jackson - Aewin - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_cliffcastle01_2_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]1st Floor[/url] - Room 1C Krista Hale - Aewin - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_kingjuniorsuperior02_2_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]2nd floor[/url] - Room 2B Leona Song - Salrynn - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_grandsuite02_3_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]2nd Floor[/url] - Room 2C Kosuke Akiyama - Salyrnn - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_kingjuniorsuperior02_2_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]2nd Floor[/url] - Room 2D Natasha Parks - SouffleGirl123 - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_grandsuite02_3_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]3rd Floor[/url] - Room 3A Dylan Clark - SouffleGirl123 - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_kingjuniorsuperior02_2_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg] Detached Bungalow 2nd floor[/url] Room Bungalow B2 Victor Wyatt - Arista - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_cliffcastle01_2_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]Detached Bungalow 1st Floor[/url] - Room Bungalow A2 Avira Mendoza - Arista - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_beachcastlesuite_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]2nd Floor[/url] - Room 2E Veronica Bryant - Fabricant451 - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_grandsuite02_3_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]1st Floor[/url] - Room 1D David Sandoval - Fabricant451 - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_beachcastlesuite_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]Detached Bungalow - 2nd Floor[/url] - Room Bungalow B3 Maurice Jones - Dragoknighte - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_beachcastlesuite_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]1st Floor[/url] - Room 1E Mauriah Jones - Dragoknighte - [url=http://conradhotels3.hilton.com/resources/media/ch/GRJPRCI/en_US/img/shared/basic_content_list/CN_kingjuniorsuperior02_2_750x350_FitToBoxSmallDimension_Center.jpg]Detached Bungalow 1st Floor[/url] - Room Bungalow A1 [/hider] [hider=Round 1] [list] [*] Clementine Morgan - Dylan Clark [*] Christian Emory - Krista Hale [*] Imogen Badcocke - David Sandoval [*] Darren Russell - Mauriah Jones [*] Lukas Jackson - Veronica Bryant [*] Leona Song - Maurice Jones [*] Kosuke Akiyama - Avira Mendoza [*] Natasha Parks - Victor Wyatt [/list] [/hider] [hr][hr] [center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Clementine Morgan[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--QBP-GCk85E/UN9n35QNdiI/AAAAAAAAXdQ/nx0JCF-v-X0/s640/Are+Zoe+Saldana+&+Bradley+Cooper+ENGAGED.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Beach, her room, main room [b]Interacting With:[/b] Wadsworth and the rest in general. [/center][hr][hr] Clementine stood up and dusted the sand off her back side as the others began to make their ways over to her and Christian. Some had much more interesting ways of entering the scene than she had. She just titled her head to the side as she watched the antics before her. This was the group she was going to be with for the next week? Things were going to get interesting very quickly. Stepping over to each as they arrived she introduced herself in a kind manner to each. She kept her tongue in check for now; last thing she needed to do was to offend someone right off the bat. Would make the entire thing rather pointless. [color=a187be]"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Clementine but you are welcome to call me Clem for short,"[/color] she said to each as she held her hand out to shake their respective hands. She didn't say the same thing to each of them, but more or less some variation of it. A smile plastered on her lips that caused her cheeks to start hurting. Wiping the smile from her face she gave in. [color=a187be]"Yeah, now I know why my mother used to say - if you hold your face like that too long it will get stuck like that,"[/color] she said as she pushed her hair out her face as the winds picked up around them. As Wadsworth ushered them towards the hotel she followed, tucking her hair behind her ear and listening intently to what he had to say. When he asked for them not to speak to each other again before the events began she perked a brow. That was an interesting way of handling things but who was she to say anything? Well, she was exactly the person to say something. [color=a187be]"Then why the hell did he hoard all of us together to walk to the hotel at once and let us know who our first date was? Freaking butlers,"[/color] she muttered before looking down at her papers and noted her room. Checking the map she waved absentmindedly towards the others and left without another word as she made her way to her room. Keycard and knob turn later she was inside and gawking at the surroundings. This was much better in person than in the pictures. She flopped down on her bed and let out a happy sigh as she stretched out. Rolling over she giggled, this was going to be a nice place to get to rest at night if things didn't work out. Rolling back over she hopped up and opted to take a quick shower before the night began. She wanted to get the salt water off her skin, it made it feel way to tight and dry for her liking. Stepping out of the shower she wrapped a towel around her and began to unload her bags. Picking out a [url=http://i.shoppinglifestyle.com/gallery/2009/06/32_ZoeSaldana.jpg]nice little blue number[/url] for the evening. Not too fancy, not too casual, and light enough for the warmer weather. A quick application of makeup and she checked the time. That time went by quickly but granted she had unloaded a lot of clothing. Making her way down to the main room she looked around, she was a few minutes early but she always preferred it like that. She liked to watch people and being there first was usually the best way to start. Checking the papers once again she found the name of the person she was paired with to start the evening; a Mr. Dylan Clark. She shrugged her shoulders a bit and found their table. Setting her purse on the table she sat down and crossed her legs as she leaned back; her hair falling over her shoulders and spilling down the back of the chair as she waited. [hr][hr] [center][h1][b][i][color=82ca9d]Christian Emory[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://data2.whicdn.com/images/57991396/tumblr_mkyojj9N5V1r1hm4ao1_250_large.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Beach, his room, main room [b]Interacting With:[/b] Wadsworth and the rest [/center][hr][hr] [color=82ca9d]"Well aren't we just a bunch of people wanting to take a swim?"[/color] Christian joked as the others approached. [color=82ca9d]"Hallo Lads and Lasses, I'm Christian,"[/color] he said waiving a bit before he grabbed his bag and headed off after Wadsworth and the rest. He wore such a bright smile as he walked down the beach, enjoying the sun and wind in his hair. He seemed like a little kid in a candy store right then. He walked along the edge of the water and kicked at it, splashing a bit as he did. [color=82ca9d]"This place is perfect!"[/color] he exclaimed in this thick Irish accent as Wadsworth walked off. Turning he gave a bit of a dramatic and a wink before running like a kid to open presents on Christmas morning to his room, nearly bursting through the door once he got the keycard to work. [color=82ca9d]"Oh this place is so much better than that slum I stayed in over in India,"[/color] he laughed as he closed the door behind him. Dropping his pack on the ground he wandered through the room looking at everything, touching everything, checking out everything. [color=82ca9d]Mayhaps Ma was onto something,"[/color] he laughed to himself as he stepped out onto the balcony and took in the sight before him. He couldn't stop smiling, which wasn't uncommon, but this one was brighter than normal. Maybe he would find a sweetie. There were several stunning people in the crowd and a few with something interesting going on behind their eyes. He couldn't wait to get to know everyone. A jump in the shower after wasting a lot of time just looking around the room, and a quick jump out he rummaged through his luggage to find something to wear. Finding what he wanted to [url=http://images1.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Heath-heath-ledger-907354_470_480.jpg]wear[/url] he got dressed quickly. Stopping by the mirror he fluffed his hair a bit. He had stopped fighting the untamed curls years ago. Smiling he grabbed his papers and the keycard before dashing over to the main room. Looking around he saw Clementine sitting there and he smiled, he had to bite his tongue from saying anything to her. Looking at his paper he checked out who he was starting with tonight; Ms. Kirsta Hale. Wasn't that the girl who fell off the boat? He chuckled a bit as he found his table and had a seat. Now to just wait on the rest to begin.