[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/rkrI3nM.jpg[/img] [hider=Clothes][img]http://i.imgur.com/0AmDBXq.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=004b80][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=black]Tonrar Arrluk[/color] [color=004b80][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=black]19[/color] [color=004b80][b]Gender[/b][/color] [color=black]Male[/color] [color=004b80][b]Bending[/b][/color] [color=black]Water[/color] [color=004b80][b]Appearance[/b][/color] [color=black]Tonrar is a tall fellow, standing at 6'4", with a muscular body build. His coffee colored skin is peppered with scars from the many misadventures of his life. He has icy blue eyes that hold a unmistakable gleam of mischief in them. His hair is ash black and cut short on the sides in a warrior fashion, as well he has some stubble growing on his chin. His clothes resemble those of the Water Tribes save for the fact that they are black rather than a dark blue. He also has piercings in both ears.[/color] [color=004b80][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=black]Tonrar is best described as a diamond in the rough... really in the rough. He is a underhanded conman with a silver tongue that can convince the cheapest of people to hand over the last of their coin. He has no problem picking someone's pocket or flat out threating someone for their coin purse. Likewise he is more than willing to let his fists do the talking when need be, jumping into fights without a second thought. But despite all of these flaws there is a good heart inside Tonrar, even if it is deep down inside of him. He has a soft spot for the underdog, especially children, and will usually side with them. He has a code to his actions, never take from those who can't spare it and never hurt those who don't deserve it. These morals often puts him at odds with the people he works with.[/color] [color=004b80][b]History[/b][/color] [color=black]Born the youngest child to a Northern Water tribe noble family Tonrar grew up in the shadows of his older siblings. Always being compared to his [I]"outstanding"[/I] brother or [I]"perfect"[/I] princess sister nothing he did was ever enough to please his parents, it didn't matter that he was one of the most talented young benders in the tribe. Eventually he started to act out, playing pranks on the elders, picking fights with other boys in the village, and even stealing a few things here or there. He became a true black sheep of his family, which only served to drive a bigger rift between them. As time went on Tonrar's misbehaving only grew until the point he wasn't satisfied with staying in the tribe anymore. He left and set sail for adventure. He spent months crossing the seas hoping from port to port weaseling money out of the locals until eventually he caught the attention of a group of pirates. The sea fairing scoundrels realized how valuable a waterbender would be to their group so they quickly took him aboard. Tonrar took to the pirate lifestyle like a fish to water, enjoying the thrill of danger and adventure it gave him, and quickly rose among the crew to become one of the captain's most reliable crewman. Now Tonrar sails the seas looking for treasure and adventure.[/color] [color=004b80][b]Other[/b][/color] [color=black]He has two sword hilts that are hollowed out and stores water which he bends and turns into a series of weapons to use during combat. [sub][url=http://orig06.deviantart.net/81bb/f/2013/075/4/d/aqualad_vs_sportsmaster_by_tsotne_senpai-d5y82zp.gif]Flail[/url], [url=http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_super/11118/111183530/4385060-4773471757-HX85h.gif]Sheild[/url], [url=http://orig15.deviantart.net/f276/f/2011/088/9/9/aqualad_gif_by_foxxling-d3cqz3h.gif]Mace[/url], [url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/c44b/f/2013/074/e/d/aqualad_by_tsotne_senpai-d5y3mzb.gif]Hammer[/url], [url=http://orig10.deviantart.net/ad30/f/2011/084/d/f/aqualad_gif_by_foxxling-d3cggtw.gif]Swords[/url], [url=http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lstp8h31eU1ql3dfho1_400.gif]Whip[/url].[/sub][/color] [/center]