[b]Name[/b]: [i]Olyvar 'Tomcat' Camden[/i] [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Olyvar][hider][img]http://www.pacerkidsagainstbullying.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/spencerKane.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider][img]http://bloximages.newyork1.vip.townnews.com/kpcnews.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/b/d0/bd04a0b9-cfa2-539d-9327-1c6bd6581ec1/50fb3e121895d.image.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: [i]Oly as his friends call him grew up in the Camp coming there from the Capital at a young age when his parents were killed by two street thugs. Growing up in such a place has made him very distrusting, careful, paranoid, wise, resilient, and most of all dangerous. Having done just about everything he could to survive as a small 6 year old, Oly has seen the worst of the world and has resolved himself to never see it again. When he turned fourteen he began a system to help and protect the younger children of the Camp while at the same time teaching them the valuable skills they would need in life, and of course making a profit at the same time. His system? Well it was a spy network that utilized those that no one expected. That boy you just threw into a brick wall after telling your partner of your patrol paths, the girl you just abused for three hours and gloated about Castle business, the boy cleaning the horse stalls while you left your valuable dispatches on your Horse. All of those were paws of Olyvar who took to calling himself 'The Tomcat'. This system has made him a very well known and even feared boy of sixteen years though in the Thieves Camp he is seen by a hero by the youngsters who flock to him and his large warehouse in the Eastern part of the Camp where children of all ages can be found. Any child less fortunate and with no where else to go becomes a Paw to the Tomcat.[/i] [b]Weapon[/b]:[i] Skilled Acrobat and martial artist, uses brass knuckle like weapons. Is also protected by a unit of bodyguards when doing 'business'[/i]. [b]Other[/b]: [i]Is a well known face inside Crescent Dagger Camp, and the older patrons have seen him rise from less than nothing. They saw him at his worst. Has adopted one of his 'Paws' as his younger brother and heir[/i]. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [b]Name[/b]: [i]Tobias 'Toby' Webster [/i] [b]Age[/b]: 13 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Toby][hider][img]http://www.film.ru/sites/default/files/persones/_imported/3625321.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider][img]https://www.99doing.com/upload/pages/media/ba4933032ae007e60c13dd69c81242ec.jpg[/img][/hider][/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: [i]Toby is a interesting kid, a kid that has been taught all about the world and how it works by his mentor and adopted 'brother' Olyvar. Toby has mastered the art of manipulation and spying and as such is able to change his personality to what he needs it to be. He has performed missions or jobs as a noble's son, a beggar, a consort, a homeless orphan, a slave, a servant, stable boy, and the list continues. His best weapon is subtly and getting people to underestimate him. He is a swordsman of the mind and his sword of choice is words. When not outside of the Camp Toby can be seen at Olyvar's side almost all the time, learning the ways of a spy and informat while also learning how the network worked, being groomed to take over for Olyvar in the case of a accident which in such a business sometimes happens. Toby loves to get into deep and complex conversations, giving his mind a challenge and he is exceptionally smart for his age which makes up for his smaller build and frame. He has zero fighting prowess but hardly needs to as he has a way out of just about everything, and the running joke is he can talk himself into and out of the King's throne room without breaking a sweat. When he does let his guard down and just be a kid he's rather normal in that he craves affection and attention, and can be a regular goofball if he knows and trusts you like he does Oly.[/i] [b]Weapon[/b]: [i]Preferred weapon is his mind and mouth but he is a rather good user of throwing knives, and practices with them constantly. [/i] [b]Other[/b]: [i]Olyvar is very protective of the boy and makes sure even on his missions that he's tailed and protected by someone.[/i]