Dimitri smiled at Rozalind's frustration, catching her glare but allowing it to roll right off his shoulder. She seemed to be under a lot of stress which was understandable he supposed, and could not help wondering if she could be cheered up after a few rounds of his special brew. "Well I don't know what your technologies are like around here, but just suppose that the initial symbols were actually drawn with chalk or paint then once they were reviewed by the guys with all the joo joo were then redrawn with blood before the actual ritual was invoked. Even if the blizzard blew..." He air quoted the word blew smiled then continued "Blew the chalk away. If they did happen to be written in blood afterwards, there would be residue left behind despite the initial stains being washed away or covered up. Blood is blood. Perhaps if you had a team even capture a few fragments of the symbols, you might gain some valuable information from them." The monk stood up and grabbed the nearest writing tool he could find from a tray. then proceeded towards the screen and tapped his chin in thought. "I'm no expert in symbols and rituals, but I know a few people that are artisans in those fields. He found the alter room on the screen and drew a circle around the alter. "The more important symbols should be around the edges of this circle, and from what I've seen on Temperance, they almost always have to be joined together some how; intertwined, crossed over or overlapping. He then identified another area on the inside of the circle about two feet closer to the center than the outline. "Perhaps you want to be looking in this general area for all the good stuff! I don't know how Earth responds to magic but any symbols that were involved in the ritual might have been set apart from other blood stains by the magics that passed through them or linked them to any verbal incantations or what have you. It's a long shot I know, but at least it's a shot. " he finished with a nod, then stood back to consider the additions to the screen before glancing down at the pen only to find the words 'permanent ink' written in bold letters. "Oh My! I'm terribly sorry! Guess I should have read the labels first" he cleared his throat nervously. "Well in any case, it might be worth your while to send a team back there with some high tech equipment and look for traces of blood that is set apart from the other mess around that area of the circle for a starting reference. Maybe the actual symbols that matter were seared into the alter room ground or somehow discolored or altered from the potency of whatever magic was used to execute the rituals.