[@Liliya] [i]The Undertaker slowly looked down, shadowy eyes wide and mouth curtly drawn into a thin frown. It was the expression of a man whose boots were being pissed on by a hick gnome. He slowly raised his right arm, and made a slashing motion across his throat. TOMBSTONE!? But it was not meant to be. The Undertaker should have known, that one midget begets another. Hornswoggle squirmed into the ring, ran up behind the Undertaker, and rammed the handle of a baseball bat directly up his ass. The Undertaker arched his back, hands drawing back into a T-Rex rictus of pain as he howled at the rafters! Hornswoggle did a little jiggity-jig. This wasn't so much a one on one match as it was a gruesome superstar exhibition of absurd proportions.[/i] [img]https://bizzam.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/hornswoggle.jpg[/img]