Name: Abraxis of the Great Swamp [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Age: Lost count, appears to be in mid to late thirties Gender: Male Personality: Fairly bland to be completely honest, Abraxis tends to keep to himself. Backround: Abraxis' story is kept to himself and mostly forgotten. He has returned from the brink of becoming Hollow and has dedicated most of his attention to developing pyromancies. Weapons: Hand Ax, Pyromancy Flame spells: Fireball, Fire Orb, Great Combustion, and Sacred Flame armor: Tattered Cloth Set other equipment: Great Swamp Ring, Charcoal Pine Resin Any relations?: None that are particularly important. Any skills or additional things you are good at? Can teach pyromancy to those interested. Title of government: N/A