Jacque had remained stone faced as he and the crew docked and were boarded for inspection. He'd been through this process more times than he cared to count, and as such knew how exactly to act in response. The first part of the trick was remain calm without appearing overly relaxed, as that could be seen as either overcompensation for anxiety or outright cockiness, something that could very well lead to the inspection officers doing a more thorough search to make Jacque sweat, which of course increased the odds of something being found. The second part was a bit more tricky; Despite remaining calm Jacque also had to give off an air of submission without appearing guilty. This was done with curt and polite responses, avoidance of prolonged eye contact, a humble offering (in this case, it was a cup of Caf for the inspectors that was rather simply refused or ignored) and placating behaviors such as slumping to appear smaller, as well as less threatening, than he actually was. This served to give the inspectors a feeling of superiority, to make them feel as thought they had all of the control that they desired. It was a balancing act of sorts, one that Jacque had mastered to the point of it being second nature. For a brief moment the Siparian human casted a glance towards the others that made up the [i]Milano[/i]'s crew. He once more found himself hoping silently that the others didn't do or say anything that might cast suspicion on him, themselves as well, but mostly him. Jail was not a place that he wished to revisit so long as there were other options available.