[quote=@jasonwolf] [@Polyphemus] I'm absolutely loving the religious background. The only problem is that the familiar is a requirement. People can't channel ether. Ether exists in the infernal plane as a kind of antimatter to mana's matter. The familiar being from the plane is the only way to channel it into our world short of massive rips in space time that would let all kinds of demons and lords of hell through. It's why they can also be used instead of wands. So you will need one. EDIT: It seems I have been hoisted by my own petard. Upon review I found that I never said it was required and as such the familiar requirement must be redacted at the very least in this case. For further reference casting without a familiar is akin to lighting your body on fire. It not only hurts like hell, but is terribly at risk of infection. Channeling raw ether is just something people aren't meant to do. So Poly you are clear to run without a familiar and only be fatigued. We will classify it as a rare method to demonology and as such all other demonologists will require a familiar to cast without serious consequences. [/quote] If you prefer, I can add one instead of just being grandfathered in. Your world, I'm just living in it.