Name: Hammond (?) Appearance: A slight, unimposing figure, this enigmatic soul has the name 'Hammond' carved into his chest. He has a thin face, with withered, sallow features. He is short, and unhealthily thin. Not much changes from his hollowed and non-hollowed state, except the texture of his skin. He has dark, shaggy hair that rolls over into his eyes. Age: Early twenties. Gender: Male Personality: Hammond doesn't speak, but he seems to be the cheerful sort. Always trying to help, or at least not hinder his fellows, Hammond makes for friendly, if a bit quiet company. Background: None that he can share. His tongue has been cut out. Weapons, spells, armor, other equipment: Club - A simple club hewn of rough wood. Makes for a surprisingly powerful bludgeoning weapon. Plank shield - Makeshift shield built from wooden planks, provides minimal protection at the cost of moderate humiliation. Pendant: No purpose, but fond memories comfort travelers. Relations: None. Additional skills: Knows all the emotes.