[b]Silver Fang on the edge of Frying Pan Plain[/b] Fang had made it to the edge of the plain and was getting a look at the mountain area ahead of him. This was truly a strange world that he found himself in and he wasn't sure where to go next. Fang decided that he would have to try and find out where to go next through meditation and finding the spiritual center of this world. Before he had reached this area of the plain, his senses had picked up on other power levels that were of high levels like his and Fang would have to focus on finding the area of this planet where there would be a great amount of spiritual Ki. If he could find his way to the spiritual center of this world then he might be able to find some answers from his spirit ancestors, "Great Spirit guide me." He got into a comfortable position on the ground and cleared his mind in preparation for his meditation. Fang closed his eyes and focused on locating the place with among the highest of spiritual power. It didn't take long and his mind could feel the location of a building, a tower from the look of it and his senses told him that it was northwest from his current location. After he got the exact location of the tower, Fang pulled himself out of the meditation and got back on his feet. He would have to fly and use his spirit walk to get to this tower quickly. Fang took off into the sky and flew in the direction of the tower. "Spirit walk" he said and his body's speed increased to an incredible level as the entire world seemed to past buy as a blur. Normally the technique would use more energy, but sense he was flying in a straight line and not maneuvering on the ground or in the air by making sharp turns, he could focus his Ki on just accelerating his speed in one direction. Fang didn't know how long it was until he reached his destination, but he came out of his Spirit Walk and found himself at the tower, which reached up high into the air. His senses told him that one of the high power levels that he had picked up earlier was here and Fang was curious to meet this beings, maybe they would be able to explain everything. He landed on the tower and was meet by the sight of some strange wolf-like creature and a small cat creature with a wooden staff. He could tell immediately that the wolf creature was the one with the high power level and approached the two. "Greetings. My name is Silver Fang and I am here to find out how I came to be in this world? This world is not my own and I am looking for answers and I'm wondering if you can tell" he said to both of them, though he was speaking more to the wolf creature than the cat. He hoped that his sudden appearance didn't make them go on the defensive since he had no interest in fighting just yet. [@Holy Soldier][@NacNak]