[center] [hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0Ljk1MzViYi5RV3gyY21WdWRHRnphV0VnUTNKMVpXeGhJRVJsZG1sdVpRLCwuMAAA/bucanera.ffp.png[/img] [hr] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/edbc0955f5deb879f40574184eb80222/tumblr_inline_nk1k8mlI4w1qearay.gif[/img] [i][b][u]Location:-: Band room. [/u][/b][/i] [i][b][u]Interacting with:-: Aster. [@Cubix][/u][/b][/i][/center] [hr][hr] She continued to play the sweet melody and nearly finished but stopped abruptly, producing a loud screeching noise. [color=#DDA0DD]"No no. It's not right. It's off. Something's not right with it."[/color] She says, frustrated. To anyone else's ear it could be heard as practically perfect but not to her. It was never right. [i]Ever.[/i] Alvrentasia took out her pouch and quickly and throws a pill into her mouth. She groans from taking too much but swallows it fast and sets the pain aside. Alvrentasia heard a distinct noise and shoves the container back into her pouch and into the black bag, turning her head rather quickly. She couldn't view whatever was there so she took a few steps back and started walking towards one of the cabinets to see what or who it was. She gasped and then exhaled quickly, looking over at Aster with a bit of a pissed off expression. [color=#DDA0DD]“Oh, [i]bloody hell![/i] Ash?! You scared the shite out of me.”[/color] Her British accent bled through for the first time in a while, something that only showed at certain times and something that she had been suppressing a bit. Calling him Ash was accidental but oh well. With that, she shook her head and gently put down her violin. [color=#DDA0DD]“..Anyways. What do you need Aster?”[/color] She asks, completely forgetting the fact that he could have seen her swallow the pills. Alvrentasia had heard the little [i]truce[/i] that Aster had proposed to her. No speak no contact? I can talk to whoever I want. And besides, why not? It's weird to [i]deliberately[/i] avoid someone at times and it usually ends up in awkwardness, that's not something that she welcomes. Alvrentasia scratched the back of her head slightly before raising an eyebrow. She leaned in, viewing his face clearly and getting in his personal space. His eyes were somewhat dilated and he looked… strange to say the least. Alvrentasia sighs before backing up some. [color=#DDA0DD]"Have another little… moment?”[/color] she mumbles, biting her lip. She didn’t want to get in his business and she didn’t want to seem like she was worried but she was. Alvrentasia looked up at the clock for a second and checked the time. She had to go to the children's hospital in a while. The last time she was going to volunteer somewhere, she figured out goody two shoes Aster was the one organizing it. Well, she couldn't go since she got sick anyways. Either way, this guy just [i]loves[/i] organizing that stuff. She didn't know why she kept quiet about it. Maybe because her parents always called stuff like that a waste of time. Or maybe she just isn't used to people thinking that she does does like that. She looked up at him slightly since he was only a little bit taller than her and waited for his response. Because of experience, she was hoping he didn't see the pills.