[center][img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v252/HlySd/FenrirAvy%20copy_zpsr0pjsa2q.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Fenrir-O (quadruped form) [b]Location:[/b] Korin's Tower [b]Mentions:[/b] Korin [@Weird Tales][@NacNak] [hr] The grey wolf stepped back from the rails and turned his head to regard the white cat that approached with his wooden staff clutched in paw. [b]Yajirobe would it kill you to take a bath when you get back?! I swear it smells like a dog’s up her-eaAH!?[/b] The corners of the wolf’s maw curled in a smile after startling the creature. The cat looked frightened and confused. [b]Yajirobe! What did I tell you about bringing wild animals to the tower!? Especially dogs!? You know I hate dogs![/b] [color=00aeef]“I am a Beastman to be exact,”[/color] Fenrir-O corrected. His voice was clear and he made his intelligence known. [color=00aeef]“I occupy this form when I wish to conserve my ki or frighten cats. But I am wolf by breed and not dog.”[/color] Fenrir-O’s triangular ears stood straight up when he sensed an approaching energy signature. His wet nose wiggled some and wrinkles threatened to groove his snout, but he resisted. The stranger arrived, and he too had been a Beastman or appeared to be one. The wolf regarded the creature, saying nothing as he went on to explain himself. So he had been in the same boat as him…he unfortunately was talking to the wrong being. Fenrir-O sat upon his haunches and regarded the wolf before he explained: [color=00aeef]“I am Fenrir-O, and we share the same predicament. I cannot answer your questions.”[/color] He then looked over to the white cat with his ears raised curiously. [color=00aeef]“But perhaps our feline friend can?”[/color]