[@Bloodtypesuper]: Sorry, but some things in your post need to be changed. I'm putting this in public instead of in a PM so that others also know what parts are inconsistent. 1. Maria is [i]human[/i], not a spirit. Some people might confuse her for a spirit, but the Protectorate shouldn't have intel that's this shoddy. 2. It's PCU (Personal Combat Unit), not PMC. Those are the changes that you have to make no matter what. There are other things that are problematic, but since you said this is your first RP, I'm going to change my own plans to fit what you wrote, so that you don't have to overhaul the whole post. But I still need to point them out, so that you know not to do it again in the future. 3. Maria is my character, meaning that I control her. You aren't the one who gets to decide where she is, what she's doing, etc.; that would be godmodding, which is against the rules. As I said, since this is your first RP, I'll let it slide, and adjust my plans to fit what you wrote, but don't do anything like this again. When it involves someone else's character, you need to obtain permission from the corresponding player before you can do anything like this. 4. How would the Protectorate have even known that Maria would be in the slums at this particular time? I was going to have her go to the slums to go scout out potential recruits or something, but she has no schedule of locations that she regularly visits, so the Protectorate couldn't have predicted that she'd go to the slums on this particular day. Again, just this once I'm going to let you off the hook, and change my plans to make your thing work. I'll make it so that Maria is meeting a new recruit at the warehouse, except it's a trap made by the Protectorate. They were the ones who asked for the meeting in the first place, so they know where Maria is going to be at this particular time. All in all, don't godmod again. Ask the appropriate players if your post contains stuff about their characters.