The time at the base had passed rather quickly as Olivia was finding herself to be a good fit for these sorts of operations. Her future peers seemed to be those who were at the top level of competence. That was what Olivia liked the most. Everyone seemed to know what exactly their role was and what they were supposed to do. She was rather optimistic about what the team had in store for future operations. Being that she and Merlin were of British origin, trained by some of the best forces in the world, Olivia was sure that her skills would come in handy in the future. --- The team of Tier-One operators stood in the room, all watching closely as the briefing proceeded. Olivia was towards the back, absorbing the information that was coming to her like a sponge. Seems like this was going to be a two-phased operation. Echo Black with the initial phase, Echo White with the next phase. Olivia didn't mind that she was on Echo White. She figured Merlin knew what exactly what he was doing by putting her into that squad. She couldn't wait to get back onto the field. It had been too far long since she had last been on the ground with an actual squad, and not just a gang of amateur Chinese triads in the middle of Colombia. Once the briefing had ended, Olivia knew that the first thing she had to do was to get herself set up with weapons. She knew what exactly her loadout was, creating the loadout mentally. She was quick to locate the armory. Seemed like there were other people with the same idea in the room already. The priority was to get her ACR properly loaded up. In her briefing and orientation here, she was shown where her kit was. And inside of it were all of her favorites. The ACR, the Mk14, the MP5N... the whole shebang. Seemed like Merlin knew what kind of toys she liked to play with. The little additions she put onto them were all up to her own personal taste though. That was fine by her. She pulled out her American-made rifle, preferring the platform to its counterparts. She sighed and placed the rifle down on her workbench, starting her personal procedure, starting from the internals to the outside to tune it to her own personal needs.