[@vote] goes to "I was not always a frog" This was hotly contested between that entry and "The God in the Cave". Two rather well written pieces, oh! I can't forget "Love Isn't Love." Seriously people, you rocked it this week. You're all quality, and there's so much improvement you can make that I love it. The potential of the writers who go into this forum contest is mind-boggling to me. Anyone else feel that way? We got some talent up in this RPG place. REPRESENT! God in the Cave presented me with a wonderful fantasy-esque medieval world. The supernatural and basically demon fighting in essence, but it's a lead in to a greater story following her on her path of vengeance as a warrior of a different God perhaps? But, more for her revenge in any case. I love that. Reminded me a bit of the Daenerys bit with the old sorceress and Khal Drogo. Not that you write in a Game of Thrones-y fashion, but the tone was similar. Great stuff, I will be providing a larger review later. Love Isn't Love is a frank, to the point bit on love. It's honest. It's true. It's difficult, yet they manage to grow older and not run away from the hard things; but go forward. Love ain't easy, but it's beautiful when you get your victories. Also, the realness. Especially that bit of longing having that imagination of someone you love getting married/being with someone else when you felt like your mistakes weren't going to be permanent. That whole bit on the imaginary woman from Estonia. Brilliant. Many things you can still work on, I'll get to that in my reviews at a later time. And you Mr. Frog... That was beautiful. The repetition of the phrase was well handled. Right on the money with the theme, and in a wonderfully unique approach to it. Reincarnation and having that sense of humanistic thought. The narration is wonderful. Excellent use of perspective. This felt like something I would read as a short story in a magazine, published. Look, you've got a clear talent and it appears to be well-honed. Yes, please. To all of this. Hopefully I can provide more critical thought when my full review comes.