[center][h3]Super Magical Runway F1 > F2 28/6/2015 Sunday[/h3] [@itano123][@i-am-x][@sen][/center] Rui waited for the right moment, for the mannequins to line up perfectly. His Persona's Gale Slash would not be able to catch all of them, unless they were close enough, it's reach wasn't unlimited after all. Everyone kept a keen watch, and then in one final moment, he summoned his Persona, which only appeared for a mere second before the area around the party was swept up in a whirlwind of slashes. The mannequins now stopped in their tracks were blasted away by Matt's powerful fire Persona Kresnik with the spell Maragion, and after that, it was just cleanup. This little battle was not particularly difficult... But it could have been a lot more troublesome had they not had area of effect spells. They were just lucky they were properly equipped for this. Beyond this room was a set of stairs, it seemed to lead up. This was the only way forward, so they took it. The second floor was rather... Strange. It was darker, and the design looked more like a regular house, but it was of course suspiciously spacious, like these dungeons usually were. At the very end was a giant door, or rather, TV. What the party was looking at could only be described as a Let's Play of a dating sim game, but after awhile there were pointers that made it clear that the main character was a girl, as if the male subjects weren't a give-away that is. This area of the dungeon was a bit easier on the eyes, but eventually the progression on screen stopped, and the screen did turned perspective, now the party was looking through the boy's point of view, and there was a set of choices... > Embrace her > Kiss her > Reject her Anyone here could rush to make a choice themselves, but... It's probably likely this was a little meaningless. Then again the area they were in had the feeling of playing a game in a dark bedroom... This probably had more meaning for the one they were rescuing than anyone else here. So what to pick? Or maybe he should just bust the screen... [hr] [center][h3]Moritomi Home for the Disturbed F1 28/6/2015 Sunday[/h3] [@oblivion666][@floodtalon][/center] It was a somewhat unsettling rest for everyone... Ryan tried to examine the TV, there was a remote, but the channels all were the same. Nothing. Just static and more static, and even more static. Tadao was examining the beds... Or rather, doing up the only unruffled bed, and found a picture. Unlike the others though, this one wasn't blotted out, but as he examined it for a few moments, he thought he saw a shadow flicker in the corner of the picture, startled, he dropped it. The static on the TV that Ryan was looking at began to show a featureless face, black, with two round blank eyes, and a crescent curved smile, he wanted to look away, this was a pretty terrifying experience, but he couldn't. The longer he looked, the more that face began to become clear, the lines became savage, the flickering became faster, and within moments the TV burst, it's screen shattered. Everyone turned to the now destroyed TV, and inside it there was another picture... It was similar to the ones that were plastered everywhere, all faces blotted out except one, but this one had two that were not blotted out. Upon closer inspection, the eldest child in the picture had a noose around his neck. Although what was most interesting was on the back, there was a name, "Haku"... This dungeon felt more like an unravelling of a mystery than well, a dungeon... Nothing seemed to be out to attack them, no shadows, nothing. It was like they walked into a horror game of sorts. Still, the name might be a key of sorts, and perhaps related to the difference in picture on the front. Maybe there was a way forward in this room... It was like this room was giving them a way to identify the people in the pictures. [hider] One of these three [@haru nyan][@diabolicalrhapsody][@takaru] should post.[/hider]