Here's an update! For the people who have gotten back to me so far it seems that we have: Human City Guard- [@thegreenleafe] Elven Sorceress- [@Assallya] Human Necromancer- [@Avanhelsing] Tiefling Bard/Sorcerer- [@The Fox Without] Orc (I'm guessing warrior?)- [@LokiLeo789] Unknown Character- [@Kejmur] One or two other people had interest but haven't gotten back to me. I'm going to close applications (unless I missed someone). If the party gets too big, I will probably figure a way to split things up (please don't worry about relinquishing a spot, I can figure it out). Below is a skeleton for how to pitch your character. We'll work out the finer details through PM (I want to develop the characters before we start the campaign). If you have any general questions about the character sheet, ask here, so I can answer them for everyone! [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Continent of Birth: (Carthian, Penultish, High Mister, Crysterian, Valenndalic/Dalic) Race: (Human, Orc, Half-Elf, Elf (Wood, Dark, High), Tiefling, Gnome, Dwarf) Class: (Bard (or Enchanter), Fighter/Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Ranger, Barbarian, Monk, Paladin) Mage School of Foci: *For Mage characters only* (Constitution, Divine (Clerics), Destruction, Pact (Warlock), Primal, Necromancy, Blood, Force) Starter Equipment: Age: Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: Fears: Brief History: [/hider]