[quote=@fdeviant] [@DearTrickster] I don't mind controlling the Archon for the fight, but I didn't imagine that would take a whole post and I figured Joseph might get involved with the rest of the crew afterward. [/quote] [quote=@MelonHead] Well, he also has to get through a million traps, but I wouldn't short change the Archon, that guy seems pretty powerful. [/quote] From what I understand Joesph is right in the underpass with everybody else. He used a teleporting door and his ward cutting ring to get through to where the troublemakers are making trouble for Rach. In that immediate area the main bit of protection was the ward. The last thing Odette wanted to do was set a trap for her allies to stumble into as well. In any case, the collab took a focus on Lekh and Rach's exchange. While a separate post could give Joseph some spotlight and show us (the IC) what he can do. If you want a more realistic feel for the fight or to get a nice leeway in with Odette once they return back to check on Joesph and the Archon we could handle that in a collab.