Name: Alnnar Alhiam Nickname: Age: 2,853 (mid 30s) Type: Jinn-Ifrit Affiliation: Supernatural Fighter Appearance: [hider][img][/img][/hider] Personality: Quite and Thoughtful. A long life has taught him much patience and rarely acts rashly and favors caution. This has caused him to take a more passive approach to the world. Often observing, but not interfering with the affairs of mortals. Even for the world of the supernatural he has been absent. Preferring to keep to himself. This has caused him to be a bit out of touch with modern times and sometimes emotionally distant as he doesn't express emotions well either. History: Jinn lived among the humans in the beginning of time. Though unlike humans they are immortals and broken into five races: the Marid (the strongest type), the Ifrit, the Shaitan, the Jinn, and the Jann (the weakest type). Also unlike humans they are born of fire, and thus are created more then actually birthed there bodies were simply vessels for the living flame that was who they truly were. Alnnar was brought into the world as the old kingdoms started there collapse. This meant much war and strife. Being a young Warrior he was more then ready to fight as new nations rose to power. and thus he became a ceaseless wanderer, A Jinn with out a home. The Jinn soon grew tired of the world of man, and thus they returned to what they called the world unseen. Leaving behind mankind, though Alnnar having never truly lived with his own kind except in his early life choose to stay with humans, finding their ever changing world more interesting then the unchanging world of the Jinn. But as time moved forward, the world grew larger. Supernatural creatures becoming more myth then fact. He watched Crusades and Jihads rise and fall. Kingdoms turn to ash only for others to build on the graves. He grew tired of the wars, tired of the hiding. And with that he disappeared from the world. Returning the deserts of his Home land where little can be found unless it wants to be found. For hundreds of years he lived in his isolation. The only contact he had with the outside world was the occasional travelers, lost in the desert. He would show them the way, but never directly. He became something of a legend, a desert spirit. He was content with this life. That was until he could sense a change, a shift in the world. He decided to leave his isolation behind, and take part in the world once more to find what was stirring the world. Abilities: Jinn are less flesh and blood, and more made of the fires within them. His physical form is made of ash, this makes him very durable and immune to pain. While he cannot be killed by normal weapons, his body can only take so much before it can no longer contain the fires with in him and they will burst forth. Though he can reform his body, it will take several hundred years with out the help of another. Flame magic, Using his own eternal fires he is able conjure and attack using flame magic. He also has control over his own flame, as it is an extension of himself. Though while outside fire can't hurt him he has no control over it as it isn't apart of him like his own flames. Also no body can control his flames as they are a part of his soul. Smoke, Like all Jinn he is able to turn either his hole body or parts into clouds of smoke and ash. Doing this also gives him the ability to hover by turning his legs into smoke. Weakness/weaknesses: His life force comes from the fires within him. Thus anything that displaces oxygen is harmful to him as even fire needs oxygen. Also Ethereal weapons can harm him seeing as they attack the spirit as well as physical. Other: Existing less on the physical plan he doesn't need to eat or drink. Though he sometimes enjoys dried foods. Also because of the heat that is constantly admitted from his body he is very warm to be around. Physically at least.