After all the fighting, the raid upon the store had finally ended. The gangsters had been subdued, Nose Ring was taken away by a bounty hunter of sorts, and the store was (sort of) intact. What's more, the shopkeeper was [i]appreciative[/i] of the state his store was in, even offering to take the impromptu group to a restaurant, of all things! Just how bad would it have been if the group of oddities weren't there? Probably not as bad, honestly - but that's neither here nor there. Aside from that, the Rocket Man had introduced himself to Tenmon. His name was Zehst. Zehst Messerschmitt. Not only that, but he revealed that his power came from a Devil Fruit. Although Tenmon had already deduced that a while ago, given that he had learned the ins and outs of Devil Fruits when he was younger. Too bad he had only gotten that explanation [i]after[/i] he had eaten one. [b][color=7ea7d8]"Roke-Roke Fruit..."[/color][/b] Tenmon said, thinking about the power. [color=7ea7d8][b]"I assume it's a Paramecia type, right?"[/b][/color] Tenmon didn't wait for an answer. Instead, he watched as the mantis-woman became a... woman-woman? A Paramecia and a Zoan type? It was true, the closer you get to the Grand Line, the more Devil Fruit users you find. Of course, the Grand Line was full of people like that - himself included. The mantis woman was named Lucretia Savaronitelle. She seemed to carry a noble aura about her. Probably not on the level of one of those World Nobles, but definitely wealthy to some degree. The Doctor also seemed to know about Devil Fruits. Gold Dorado Jr, they called him. Huh. The name had some similarities to the first Pirate King. Tenmon wondered if he got asked about that often. At this point, everyone had introduced themselves in some way - except for Tenmon, who had said very little about himself through the entire ordeal. Bah. Ninjas don't reveal their identities, anyway. Yeah. ... Well, it seemed like a good excuse. He'd just introduce himself later. That'd work. [colour=f7941d][b]"You three seem pretty fresh, what're you doing in this tourist trap? With Devil Fruit abilities, at that."[/b][/colour] [color=7ea7d8][b]"Hm? Me? I'm going on a journey through the Grand Line."[/b][/color]