[@Zendrelax] I like the interpolation you did regarding the fragility of the ritual. Some nice interaction with the world. [quote=@Dawnscroll] So just to clarify: each of the 'Demons' was sealed in an individual, customized prison built solely for them? And is the Pit a physical place, or a metal physical place. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSRULDdFvc0]Because if its the former....[/url] [/quote] A bit of both: They each have their own, tailored cell, depending on their size and anatomy, but the magic binds their consciousnesses to the pit as well. But your video is pretty much how I expect this will turn out. [quote=@Flagg] I get the impression that even more Guards are likely to show up in short order, and aren't they as hostile to the angels as they are to the demons? They would have to get through the hall where the demons are kept/breaking free before they could get to the Chamber of the Gods, [@dragonmancer] [/quote] Some of the guards near the staircases are probably going to make a run for it after seeing Nod rip someone's goddamn arm off, and try to warn the rest of the castle. But as of the moment the rest of the garrison has no idea what just happened. [quote=@Cayce] A physical place. A single location. The "angels" are kept in a circular chamber in the far end of the Pit. In front of the chamber is a large hall, lined with large cells in which the demons are kept separated. The Pit is located beneath a large prison, housing the worst criminals. A large spiral staircase separates the Pit from the prison and the outside world. At least, that's what I'm able to make out. So, yeah, it's gonna be a party. [/quote] Yup. Maybe I should make a paint map to illustrate it. [quote=@dragonmancer] [@Flagg] To clarify, the NPC guards introduced by Vahir that are in with the angels are controlled only by Vahir, or are they essentially fair game for everyone? [/quote] Anyone can RP them. Just keep in mind they're the most skilled soldiers in the Republic, as well as the most fanatical and devout, chosen for their blind loyalty to Eyra. Keep that spirit in mind and you can write them as much as you want. [quote=@Cayce] I think dragonmancer's character is talking to the guards who were already in the Chamber. There were a couple stationed there, standing watch. The guards I'm, uh, "interacting with" came from the Spire-side of the Pit, the opposite way. I don't know if they would necessarily be hostile to the angels, since it's not their job to keep them in, only other mortals out. [/quote] According to the official church doctrine, the Angels are gods of good (beneath Eyra of course) and deserve worship, but they all died in the War of Dawn. Anyone who knows the truth (i.e. Pit Guards) are loyal only to Eyra, and understand that the Angels have to be kept locked away, even if the theology's a bit confusing. And yeah, they're not meant to keep the angels and demons locked away, because if they ever got free (such as right now) the thought is that every Pit Guard is completely fucked anyway.