While Travok had originally attempted to defend himself, the feebleness of the man's attack in combination with his apologies made him think the man was not really attempting to hurt him. "I bleed only for my god, weak man. I hope this is worth spilling the essence of life from my veins", Travok muttered in an ice cold tone before turning to face the rest of the fight. This whole fight was a mess. Why did it even have to start in the first place? He couldn't understand the hostility the dragonborn had shown, but perhaps he'd get the chance to ask the fellow about it. Now though, the important thing was to survive until that point. It seemed as if one of the guards tried to approach the door... he'd need to do something about it. He held the gemstone before him, pointing it at the guard looking to fight against the big human from his cell. This cellmate apparently had had a similar idea of stopping him, as Travok was quite sure he had been standing in that row with others just a moment ago. Hopefully he could dodge well in case of a miss... "C'Thun. C'Thun! [b]C'Thun![/b]" he once more called out for his patron, this time leaving less time between the shouts. The crackling blast of purple energy erupted from his focus and flew towards the guardsman. [hider=Rolls] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/240]A 13[/url] to hit this time. I might have a chance! As for the damage, rolled the maximum (that being [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/241]10[/url]).[/hider]