[color=purple][b][u]Wolf[/u][/b][/color] The saiyan sat within his pod silently as he and the rest of the elite team entered the edge of the solar system. A growl escaped him as Nappa's voice keyed in from within his pod, telling him to wake up. Even though he hadn't been sleeping, hearing Nappa speak in an orderly tone as if he were in charge of him. He had no more strength than Kaddish, he had hardly any room to speak. The saiyan stayed silent, not wanting to waste his breath with the idiot saiyan. The pod cleared right past Mars, racing toward the Earth as it picked up speed. [color=Orange][b][u]Kental[/u][/b][/color] Kental's eyes opened up immedaitely to the sound of Nappa's voice, an annoyed grunt escaping the saiyan as the low level spoke down to him and the others. [color=orange]"Silence yourself you worthless piece of trash!"[/color] Kental snarled through the comms, barking a stern order at Nappa that he'd follow assuming he valued his life. Soon they were just cresting the outer atmosphere of Earth. [color=Blue][b][u]Kaddish[/u][/b][/color] Kaddish awoke to the voice of Nappa, a lower level saiyan that had been her superior. Once Nappa said they were almost there she began to look out from the small window of the pod, looking out at the vast vacuum of space. Her eyes said it all, she was captivated, amazed by it all, taken aback at how beautiful such a place could be, the planet Earth, so lush and green, full of life. She truly wondered why they were coming here to hurt people but she'd never question it, she knew the consequences.