It didn't take long for Mitsuki Kitagawa to arrive at the school were they would be having their meeting, and she made it just before the transition from rain to snow. That was interesting to see, she supposed, but her mind was focused on more important matters. She had plenty to be concerned with, and as a magical girl the weather was much less of a problem than it ever had been for her as a normal girl. "Hello everyone," she said with a smile as she stepped into the room, laying her umbrella off to the side so she wouldn't be hindered by it for the duration of the meeting. A quick survey of the room saw several members of the Order and the Hero Brigade arriving, with a few coming in after she had until everyone was there. Well then, this could not end badly at all. She moved to join the others at that point, soon approached by one of the Hero Brigade members with the offer of food. "Thank you Mako," she replied with a smile and a nod, taking the offered food when it came around for her turn. "It looks delicious. And I suppose that is one way to get the frown off of Erika's face." She punctuated the point by taking the Erika cookie, ignoring how burned it was, and simply eating a bite right where her mouth was. Admittedly it didn't taste good. At all. But for the sake of her own agenda, she could deal with it. It was hardly an enduring problem after all. With the meeting about to be called to order, she nodded then to Sakura, leaving the girl alone for the moment, as well as Erika, before turning her attention to Akane, to learn why it was that they had been called here. Yet she merely sighed as it got off to a flubbed start, and the leader of the Hero Brigade dismissed herself with an obvious excuse. Here was hoping that Erika could do better, and Mitsuki waited avidly for her to begin.