[@Crimmy] Lala took a moment to stare at the short black haired male. The student seemed unpleasant to her currently. The room started to seem more of like a scene of an accident and a hazardous area, but she looked around to see that no one was around but the two of them. "I see," she spoke after looking around her surroundings, "then where might be the other members?" A single person couldn't have set up something like this. Lala wouldn't know why there were shards of glass or blood as they stood out the most. The others could just be elsewhere as they left this guy alone. That's one answer, but she wouldn't know what really happened. There was no one present in the room besides the only student she found and herself. She can do is but wonder. "You're fine right?" she asked in worry. "Did anything happen in this room? Anything particular or so?"