"Einathesara Tihaluhesi, though I find that humans, who I do most of my odd jobs for, have too little patience or time to say long names. So I go mostly by Ein," she responded in reply with explanation. When the food did indeed come rolling out the young elf certainly did eat her share of it. She drank her fill of heavy tankards too. Elvish metabolism was much too efficient for the effects of all but the strongest of brews, so even elvish children could drink wines and meads. However, the Dwarven brew sat much heavier. While it still did not make her intoxicated, the weight of such a thick and hearty ale made her sick all the same. But even her vomiting seemed to make joy for the dwarven soldiers celebrating her. '... why were they celebrating me again?' Ein asked herself as she started on another tankard, she felt guilty to waste their rations in this way, but when in Romeus, do as they do. 'Oh yeah, I job for the King. Ol' King Longbeard-Shortshin!' And so the jocularity continued into the night until finally those who had night watch sobered up enough to go to their posts, and those who didn't have night watch, finally passed out from all the alcohol and heavy foods. Ein found a patch on the floor to lay on somewhere near one of the friendlier looking Dwarves and soon she too fell asleep. She did not sleep overly easy, though. She grew far too accustomed to sleeping with the stars in view, not into the depths of the earth where time could stand still and spin by impossibly fast without anyone noticing. She thought about that for a good long while before she finally could not lay their any longer and made her way back to the surface. The guards on watch seemed shocked that she was there at first, but enjoyed her company all the same. It was still before the dawn of a new day, but only by a matter of minutes, it seemed. Satisfied that the world did not keep spinning and left her and the dwarves behind in the cave, she returned to it's depths to prepare for the journey ahead.