The room was silent; your bed was hard. Your first view of the room was as dismal as you remember. The walls were clean, but somehow confining. Like they were imposing over you. Your body was stiff, like you had been lying still for days. The bed certainly was not comfortable, but that was not the only reason that you wanted to get up. You felt a sense of urgency to the situation, like someone was trying to prod you along, or your adrenaline was on the cusp of flooding your body. You look around the room. The others are unfamiliar, and everyone looks out of place... literally. Something is telling you that these people do not belong here. You had a feeling that if you were to see yourself, the same would apply to you. Maybe you're superstitious or maybe you just have a knack for feeling instinct, but everything here felt wrong. An affront to everything natural. And that was beyond the fact that you've been apparently kidnapped! You lift your head to face the opposite wall, where a cracked TV hangs precariously, static filling the screen. Unmistakably, however, you see that a face flickers across the screen - only for a few milliseconds at a time. He (for it is clearly a 'he') is shrouded in a silhouette, but there is a sense of superiority about the figure. As if... he knows why you're there. In an instant, the lights go out in the room, and a loud banging is heard. A sense of dread sets in, but it is over as soon as it begins. The television screen is now completely black, but something disturbing catches your eye. Carved into the wall above the screen is a single word. It was not there before. [center][h2][i]B R O K E N[/i][/h2][/center] Somehow, you know that awaiting a rescue is pointless at this time. You get up to explore the room and interact with your fellow captives.